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Book Chapters

Publication Year

Building brands in the Indian market - A strategic perspective. In Building Brands in the Indian Market, xiii - xxix, edited by Tapan Panda K. New Delhi: Excel Books, 2004

Panda, T.K.

Sustainable Tourism for Poverty Alleviation. In Tourism Management: The Socio Economic and Ecological Perspective, 160-173, 2004

Mishra, S., Das, A. & Panda, T.K.

Socio-Political Barriers to Tourism Marketing in South Asia. In Tourism Management: The Socio Economic and Ecological Perspective, 135-159, 2004

Panda,T.K. & Mishra, S.

India. In Total Factor Productivity Growth: Survey Report, 52-97., 2004

Rameshan, P.

Building Hi-Tech Brands: A customer based brand equity approach. In Building Brands in the Indian Market, 189-20., 2004

Sahadev, S.

Customer Relationship Management in Financial Services Industry. In Customer Relationship Management, ICFAI Press., 2004


Digital archival strategies for Library Consortia: The IIM Consortium Experience. In Sh. Ashok Jambhekar Festschrift Volume, MANLIBNET, New Delhi., 2004

Sreekumar, M.G.

The changing trends in Copyright in the scholarly communication world. In Prof M. Parameswaran Festschrift Volume, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut., 2004

Sreekumar, M.G., Sunitha, T. & Sreejaya, P

On Vertical Product Differentiation, Network Externalities and Compatibility Decisions: Existence of Incompatible Networks. Social Science Research Networks e-library., 2004

Sarkar, S.

R&D Expenditure and Entry Deterrence in presence of Network Externality. Social Science Research Networks e-library., 2004

Sarkar, S.

Socio political barrier to tourism marketing in South Asia. In Tourism Industry in India, edited by Tapan K. Panda and S. Mishra, 22-49. New Delhi: Excel Books., 2003

Mishra, S. & Panda,T.K.

Role of NGOs in afforestation of village common lands: A case study in a tribal area in Gujarat. In Forest Conservation and Management: Challenges of the Millennium, 449-461, 2003

Balooni, K. & Singh, K

Exchange rate variability and stock market volatility: Evidence from India. In The Global Economy: Financial, Monetary, Trade and Knowledge Asymmetries, 17-29, 2003

Batavia, B., Nandakumar, P. & Banerjee, S.

Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Managers Implementing redundancy programmes in India. In Human Resource Development in Asia - Trends & Challenges., 2003

Noronha E & D Cruz, P

Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Managers implementing redundancy programmes in India. In Human Resource Development in Asia - Trends & Challenges, edited by U. Pareek, A.M. Osman- Gani, S. Ramnarayan and r.v Rao,, 2002

Noronha. E. & DCruz, P.

Fourth Generation Library. In Business Librarianship and Information Services, 22-32, 2002

Gopinath, S. & Sreekumar M.G

The art of seduction in learning organizations. In Strategies for Sustainable Growth. Challenges for Indian Business and Management Education, edited by JL Batra and S Srivastava, 148-157. New Delhi Instaprint, 2002

Akella, D.
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

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