January 2016 onwards : Professor, Marketing Area, IIMK
2011 to 2016: Associate Professor, Marketing Area, IIMK
2006 to 2011: Assistant Professor, Marketing Area, IIMK
Mentor Professor (2022-2024)
Dean, Faculty Administration & Development (2021-2022)
Dean, Academic Affairs and Development (2018 -2021)
Chairperson, Management Development Programmes, IIM Kozhikode (2014-2016)
Chairperson , IIMK Kochi Campus (2013-2014)
Chairperson, Post Graduate Programme, IIM Kozhikode (2011-2013)
Chairperson, Executive Post Graduate Programmes, IIM Kozhikode (2010-2011)
Chairperson, Admissions IIM Kozhikode (2008-2010)
Chairperson, Marketing Area, IIM Kozhikode (2007-2008)
Professor and Director, SNGIST, N Paravoor, Kochi (2004-2006)
Member, Distance Eduction Council, New Delhi (2011-2012)
Subin Sudhir, Anandakuttan B. Unnithan, (2019) 'Role of affect in marketplace rumor propagation', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, https://doi.org/10.1108/MIP-07-2018-0254
Subin Sudhir, Anandakuttan B. Unnithan, (2018) 'Marketplace rumor sharing among young consumers: the role of anxiety and arousal', Young Consumers, https://doi.org/10.1108/YC-05-2018-00809
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2018). The Role of Theoretical Breadth and Student Engagement in the Use of Case Methods in Marketing Pedagogy. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 12(2), 78-91.
Ranjitha, G. P., & Unnithan, A. B. (2018). Self and Identity of Being an Ideal Woman: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 7(1), 33-44.
Sudhir Subin, Unnithan AB, Measuring Consumer Motivations to Share Rumors: Scale Development, International Journal of Online Marketing, 4(3), 57-73, July-September 2014
Field Case Study ‘Popular vehicles and services Limited : The Challenge of Growing a Family Business’ with Prof. Biju Varkkey, and Prof. Joshy Jacob , case study registered with IIM Ahmedabad (2013
Varaprasad G, Sridharan R and Unnithan AB (2014) , Customers Perspectives of Internet Banking Adoption in Developing Economies, Chapter in the edited book Analytical Approaches to Strategic Decision Making ed. Madjid Tavana, IGI Global
"Muthukumar R, Varaprasad G, Sridharan R and Unnithan AB, An Empirical Study to Identify the Factors Influencing the Customer Satisfaction of ATMs in India , International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 4(4), 25-40, October-December 2013"
Varaprasad, G., Sridharan, R., & Unnithan, A. B. (2013). Internet banking adoption in a developing country - an empirical study. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 14(1), 54
Varaprasad, G., Sridharan, R., & Unnithan, A. B. (2013). Internet Banking Adoption by the Customers of Private Sector Banks in India. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 4(1), 40-51
Varaprasad G, Chandran, K. S., Sridharan, R., & Unnithan, A. B. (2013). An Empirical Investigation on Credit Card Adoption in India. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 4(1), 13-29
Measurement Invariance and the Number of Scale Points in Multi-Item Instruments , Working Paper, 2016
Number of Scale Points and Data Characteristics: An Experimental Investigation , Working Paper, 2016
Rumour Sharing in the Marketplace: A Manifestation of Anxiety, Arousal, and Valence , Working Paper, 2016
Susceptibility to Television Advertising: Some Evidence on Unidimensionality and Validity , Working Paper, 2011
The Ideal Woman's Reflection in the Distorted Mirror of Marketing , Working Paper, 2017
Value-consciousness, Ethical Position and Perceived Risk Influence on Attitude towards Music Piracy among Indian Young Adult , Working Paper, 2011
Response categories in likert scales and measurement invariance
Body Esteem. Appearance Anxiety and Consumption motives
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2016): Rumour Sharing in the Market Place - A Manifestation of Anxiety, Arousal and Valence, Third International Communication Management Conference, MICA, Ahmedabad ,18-20, February 2016
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2015). Modeling the Spread of Product Related Rumors in the Marketplace - An Agent Based Simulation. In International Conference on Contemporary Thinking in Marketing. Mumbai, INDIA: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR).
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2015). Relationship Management and Information Sharing Motivations of Rumor Sharing in the Marketplace. In 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, 2015. Ahmedabad, INDIA: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2014). Rumors in the Marketplace: What Drives Them? In AMA Summer 2014 Summer Marketing Educators Conference. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Marketing Association.
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2014). Rumor Sharing Behavior in the Marketplace: A Study on Motivations. In 36th ISMS Marketing Science Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA: INFORMS.
Sudhir, S., & Unnithan, A. B. (2012). Customer Motivations to Share Product Related Rumours. In 6th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference. Chennai, INDIA: Great Lakes Institute of Management.
2015 Consumer Perception, Preferences & Patronage of Milma and Competitive Channel Dynamics