Seminar by Prof. Daniel Miller (Professor of Material Culture, Department of Anthropology, University College London) on The Anthropology of Social Media at 3.30 pm on 11th July 2013.
11-07-2013 - 11-07-2013 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Sudip Chaudhuri (Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta) on Patent protection and pharmaceutical industry: Should the TRIPS agreement be reviewed? at 10.15 am on 16th July 2013.
16-07-2013 - 16-07-2013 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Preet S. Aulakh (Professor of Strategy and Pierre Lassonde Chair in International Business, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada) on How to publish in top ranked international journals at 3.30 pm on 22nd July 2013
22-07-2013 - 22-07-2013 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Mahesh Bhave (IIMK) on Microgrids: Revolutionary Changes Toward Energy at 3.30 pm on 21st August 2013
21-08-2013 - 21-08-2013 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Pulak Ghosh (Professor of Quantitative Methods at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) on Frailty Survival Model: some applications in Finance at 3.30 pm on 6th September 2013.
06-09-2013 - 06-09-2013 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Bikas K. Chakrabarti (Senior Professor at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar awardee) on Econophysics of Income & Wealth Distributions in Societies at 3.30 pm on 26th September 2013
26-09-2013 - 26-09-2013 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Nilay Yajnik (Professor of Information Systems at NMIMS, Mumbai ) on Global Virtual Teams and their Relevance in Management Education at 3.45 pm on 15th October 2013
Seminar by Prof. Rajaram Veliyath (Professor of Strategic Management and International Business in the Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University) on Undertaking process research in Corporate Governance: Needs, challenges and insights at 3.00 pm on 18th December 2013
Seminar by Prof. Sthanu R Nair and Prof. Leena Mary Eapen on Farm Sector Performance and Food Price Inflation in India: Insights and Lessons from Pre- and Post- Economic Liberalisation Experiences at 3.30 pm on 2nd January 2014.
02-01-2014 - 02-01-2014 , PGP Class Room B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Cyril Fouillet (ESSCA Business School, France) on Beyond borders. Perspectives on financial inclusion spatial dynamics at 3:30 pm on February 13, 2014 .
Seminar by Prof. Laurens J. De Vries & Prof. Otto Kroesen on 1. Energy research at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Managemen (Prof. De Vries) 2. Water issues, rural development (Prof. Otto Kroesen) at 3.00 pm on 27th March 2014 .
Seminar by Prof. Anindita Paul & Prof. Saptarshi Purkayastha on 1. Role of ICT in Indian Womens Daily Lives (Prof. Anindita Paul) 2. How do institutional transitions impact performance outcomes of the diversification choices of business groups? The Indian experience (Prof. Saptarshi Purkayastha) at 12.00 noon on June 9, 2014 (Monday).
Seminar by Prof. Paurav Shukla of Glasgow Caledonian University, UK on Status Consumption: A Journey through Time & Cultures at 4:00 PM on 16th July 2014 (Wednesday).
Seminar by Prof. Rajesh Tharyan on Why TMT international experience and diversity may (Not) improve acquisition performance? at 3:00 p.m on 8th August 2014 (Friday).
Seminar by Prof. Vijay Pereira of Portsmouth Business School, UK. on IB and Management Research on India: Past Present and Future at 3.00pm on 20th August 2014.
Seminar by Prof. Madhav Gadgil (formerly of Harvard University and IISC Bangalore) on Moving from a predatory to a mutualistic economy at 03:00 p.m on 16th September 2014 (Tuesday).
Seminar by Prof. Richard Lynch (formerly of Middlesex University, UK) on The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: The moderating role of country development status at 4:00 p.m. on 5th December 2014 (Friday).
Seminar by Prof Michele Gee, Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Wisconsin Parkside, USA on Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Contrasting Views in the U.S at 3:00 p.m on 20th January 2015 .
Seminar by Prof. Anoop Madhok on Think Globally, Act cooperatively: Exploring internationalization and innovation strategies at the MNE-INV interface at 4:00 p.m. on 21st January 2015.
Seminar by Prof Vijay Kanabar, Professor of Computer Science and Administrative Sciences at Boston University, USA on Innovation in Computing - Bits and Bytes on its Impact from Business to Education at 4:00 p.m on 5th February 2015 .
Seminar by Dr. Sanjay Chandrasekharan (Reader, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) on The Possibilities of New Computational Media: A Learning Sciences Perspective at 3:00 pm on 23 July 2015.
Seminar by Dr. Simi Joy (Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom) on Intra and Inter-Organizational Controls in Outsourcing Control Perspectives at 2.30 p.m. on 31 July 2015.
Seminar by Prof. Arun Kumar, Retd. Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on Indias Black Economy: Implications, Causes and Remedies at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm on 04/09/2015.
Seminar by Prof. Joshy Jacob, Associate Professor in the Finance & Accounting area at IIM Ahmedabad on Are Big 4 Audit Fee Premiums Always Related to Superior Audit Quality? Evidence from Indias Unique Audit Market perspectives at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on 8th September 2015.
Seminar by Prof. Shantaram Hegde on Retails Investor Attention and IPO Valuation at 3.00 Pm on 20 November 2015.
20-11-2015 - 20-11-2015 , A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Shantaram Hegde on Investor Optimism, Accounting Expertise of Directors and Financial Misstatements at 3.00 Pm on 23 November 2015.
23-11-2015 - 23-11-2015 , A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Rajiv Krishnan Kozhikode on Acquisition Spree of New CEOs: A Consequence of Social Comparison with Predecessors at 4.30pm on 24 November 2015.
24-11-2015 - 24-11-2015 , A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Prof. Suresh Kalagnanam on Management Control in Value Based Organizations: A case Study at 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
11-02-2016 , Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by S.M.N. Swamy (Regional Director, RBI) & Others on Role of private remittances in the socio-economic scenario of Kerala at 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
25-06-2016 , IIMK Campus, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Ganesh Janakiraman on Analysis of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual Sourcing Inventory Systems at 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM
04-07-2016 , Classroom C1, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. M.G. Sreekumar on In Pursuit of Academic Excellence: Maximizing the Impact of Your Research at 02.00 PM - 03.00 PM
07-07-2016 , Classroom C1 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Suvrat Dhanorkar on Promoting Change from the Outside: Externally Managing Environmental Improvement Projects at 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
14-07-2016 , Classroom C4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Ambassador Rengaraj Viswanathan on Doing Business in Latin America : Opportunities & Challenges for Emerging Markets at 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
28-07-2016 , PGP Auditorium, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Sadaf Munshi on Language, Religion and Identity Politics in Kashmir at 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
02-08-2016 , Classroom A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Arvind P. Datar on Corporate Fraud - Penalizing the honest & rewarding the guilty at 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
13-08-2016 , C1 Classroom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Naveen Amblee on The development of managerial competencies in MBA programs: An empirical study of the curriculum of IIM Kozhikode and leading American programs at 4:00 pm
27-10-2016 , A3 Classrom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Debashis Mondal on Private provision of public good and endogenous income inequality at 04.00 PM - 05.00 PM
17-11-2016 , Classroom A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Margret Frenz on Doing Well but also Doing Good? East African Indian Merchants and Their Charitable Work at 4.15 pm to 5.15 pm
01-12-2016 , A3 Classrom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Mahesh P. Bhave on The Microgrid Revolution: Business Strategies for Next-Generation Electricity at 03.00 PM - 04.30 PM
15-12-2016 , Classroom B4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Ajai Gaur on Overcoming Institutional Voids: The Complementary Advantages of Business Groups and Multinationals at 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Seminar by Prof. Rishideep Roy on Extreme values of log correlated Gaussian fields at 04.00 PM - 05.00 PM on January 25, 2017.
25-01-2017 , Classroom A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Ram Krishnan on Consumer choice deconsumption and business innovations a research dialogue at 04.00 PM - 05.00 PM on 13 March 2017.
13-03-2017 , Classroom B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Satish Krishnan on Electronic Warfare A Sleep And Self Conrol Model Of Cyber Incivility at 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm on 27 March 2017
27-03-2017 , Classroom B1, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Anupam Das on Impact of Social Media on the lives of the Women of the Kantha Embroidery Industry at 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm on 27 March 2017
27-03-2017 , Classroom B1, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Ajit Dayanandan on Earnings manipulation and financial reporting in India at 04.00 pm - 05.00 pm on July 5, 2017.
05-07-2017 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan on FDI, Spillovers and Firm Heterogeneity Analysis of TPP without USA at 3 pm to 4 pm on 13 July 2017
13-07-2017 , Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Aparajith Ramnath on his new book - The Birth of an Indian Profession: Engineers, Industry, and the State, 1900 47 (published by Oxford University Press) - Short talk and informal interaction at 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm. on 14 July 2017.
14-07-2017 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Justin Paul on A new model for internationalization of a firm at 03:00 pm - 5:30 pm on July 21, 2017.
21-07-2017 , A4 Classroom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Rohit Jindal on Field Experiments on Environmental Payment Programs:Insights from L. America, Africa & Asia at 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on August 4, 2017.
04-08-2017 , A4 Classroom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Shri Indranil Bhattacharyya on Outreach Programme on State Finances at 03:00 pm - 05:00 pm on August 24, 2017.
24-08-2017 , PGP Auditorium, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Shri Indranil Bhattacharyya on Outreach Programme on State Finances at 03:00 pm - 05:00 pm on August 24, 2017.
24-08-2017 , PGP Auditorium, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Asokan Mulayath Variyath on Attribute Measurement System at 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm on August 25, 2017.
25-08-2017 , MDP Classroom C4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Maheshkumar P. Joshi on Service Innovativeness: Does Technology Orientation Matter? at 3:00 pm - 04:00 pm on August 30, 2017.
30-08-2017 , Classroom B2, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Ashish Malik on Contextual Ambidexterity and Innovation in Health Care in India: The Role of HRM at 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm on December 4, 2017.
04-12-2017 , Classroom B2, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Varun Gupta on Pay-per-unit vs. Subscription Pricing for Experiential Products Under Competition at 3:00 pm on December 26, 2017.
26-12-2017 , Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Anil Maheshwari on Big Data for Business at 3:00 pm on January 3, 2018.
03-01-2018 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Rajaram Govindarajan on The healthcare disorder has cure at 11:00 am on January 16, 2018.
16-01-2018 , Media Lab, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Rajiv Krishnan Kozhikode on Do Markets Matter In The War Against Terror? The Impact of Markets on Terror Attacks by Kashmiri Insurgents in India at 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm on February 6, 2018.
06-02-2018 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Professor Murugappa Krishnan on Is good news really bad news? Event study with correlated market and non-market signals in an asset pricing model at 3:00 pm - 04:00 pm on July 17, 2018.
17-07-2018 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Sandun Perera on A Little Speed-Customization Goes a Long Way: Imminent Delivery Networks of Online Retailers at 3:00 pm - 04:00 pm on June 28, 2018.
28-07-2018 , C3 Classroom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by S. M. Khalid Nainar on C-suite Inequality and Firm Performance at 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
18-08-2018 , A3 Classroom, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Praveen Sugathan on Co-creation as gamified sweatshops: Do consumers perceive co-creation as unfair and exploitative? at 4.00 PM - 5 P.M on October 15, 2018.
15-10-2018 , Class Room A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Pradip Sadarangani on Sources of Power in Marketing Channel: Impact on channel member behavior at 3.00 P.M - 4.00 PM on October 16, 2018.
16-10-2018 , Class Room A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Praveen Sugathan on Scrivener - A research writing Tool at 4.00 PM - 5 P.M on November 07, 2018.
07-11-2018 , Class Room B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Rajaram Veliyath on The role of theory in Strategic Management Research at 3.00 P.M - 4.00 PM on December 20, 2018.
20-12-2018 , Class Room A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Joseph Johnson, Associate Professor of Marketing, Miami Business School, Florida & Visiting Fellow, IIM Kozhikode on Text Mining Research in Business: Methods and Insights , Brand Management using Text Mining at 3.00 P.M - 5.00 PM on
08-01-2019 , Class Room A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Joseph Johnson on Mining Research in Business: Methods and Insights , Brand Management using Text Mining at 03.00 pm - 05.00 pm on January 08, 2019.
08-01-2019 , Classroom A4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Kumar Rakesh Ranjan, Senior Lecturer (Marketing), School of Business, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia on Bringing the Individual into the Co-Creation of Value at 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm on January 21, 2019.
21-01-2019 , Class Room A3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Paresha N Sinha, Senior Lecturer, School of Marketing and Management, Waikato Management School, New Zealand on Managing History: How New Zealands Gallagher Group Reprioritized and Modified Imprinted Strategic Guideposts at 04.00 pm - 0
04-02-2019 , Classroom A4., IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Farok J. Contractor on How Do Country Regulations and Business Environment Impact Foreign Direct Investment Inflows? at 03.00 pm - 04.00 pm on February 28, 2019.
28-02-2019 , Classroom A2, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Anol Bhattacherjee on Publishing in FT50 Journals at 04.15 pm - 05.30 pm on March 18, 2019.
18-03-2019 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Rajani Ramachandran on A Psychosocial Exploration of Parent Professional Relationship in Rehabilitation of Children with Autism at 03.00 pm - 04.00 pm on March 29, 2019.
29-03-2019 , Classroom B1, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr. Sathyajit R. Gubbi on Determinants of acquisition performance in emerging economy firms at 02.00 pm - 02.45 pm on April 04, 2019.
04-04-2019 , Classroom B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Deepak Somaya on Strategic Insights from Corporate Diversification and Patent Litigation at 03.30 PM to 04.30 PM on 10 June 2019
10-06-2019 , Classroom C4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Priyamvadha Rangan on Impact of Mortality Salience on Persuasion Effectiveness at 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm on 18th July 2019.
18-07-2019 , Classroom B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Devkamal Dutta on High-tech Entrepreneurial Ventures: Partnerships, Technological Knowhow, and Venture Success at 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm on 23rd July 2019.
23-07-2019 , Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Dr Jayanth Jayaram on Resilience and Modularity: A Research Journey at 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm on 25th July 2019.
Seminar by Prof Siva Nathan on Corporate Organizational Structure, Tax Havens, Analyst Forecast Properties and Information Environment at 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm on Aug 16, 2019.
Seminar by Dr Jose Sebastian on Imbalances in Kerala Finances: Implications for Equity and Public Resource Mobilisation at Aug 30, 2019 on Aug 30, 2019.
Seminar by Prof Sheri Markose on Financial Inclusion, At What Cost? : Quantification of Economic Viability of a Supply Side Roll Out at 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm on Sept 19, 2019.
19-09-2019 - 19-09-2019 , Media Lab, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan on Deep Reinforcement Learning at Sept 25, 2019 on Sept 25, 2019.
25-09-2019 , Classroom B3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Bala Balachandran on Dividend Initiations and Information Content - The Impact of the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut at 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm on Dec 05, 2019.
05-12-2019 , PGP Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Rajiv Krishnan on State Mandated Social Responsibility, Willful Corporate Social Irresponsibility, and Biases in Indian Courtrooms. at 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm on Dec 19, 2019.
19-12-2019 , PGP Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Amit Mitra on Social media and migrant integration into Sweden at 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm on Dec 27, 2019.
27-12-2019 , PGP Classroom C3, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof Parth J Shah on Indian Economy: The Search for Growth and Jobs at 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm on Jan 03, 2020.
03-01-2020 , PGP Classroom C4, IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Ram Kumar Kakani on Recognizing Innate Transformational Traits in Public Administrative Services: Are We Doing Right? at 03:30 pm - 04:30
Seminar by Prof. Pulapre Balakrishnan on Understanding the growth process in India at 02:30 to 03:30 PM
Seminar by Dr. Arun Elias on Systems Thinking: Research Opportunities at 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Seminar by Prof. Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay on Evidence based Policy Making: Illustrations from Policing and Criminal Justice Interventions at 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Seminar by Prof. Anjula Gurtoo, Professor, Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Science on Data Economics and Public Good at 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Seminar by Prof. Johan Fourie, Professor, The Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University, South Africa on Unequal access to healthcare during a pandemic: lessons from South Africa of 1918 at 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Seminar by Prof. Sunil Sahadev on Exploring the Strength of Online Reviews as Antecedents of Occupancy rate in the Hospitality Sector: A Signalling Theory Perspective at 04:30 pm - 05:30 pm
Seminar by Prof. Martin Parker on School for Organizing vs B-School Managerial Capitalism at 04.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Seminar by Prof. Vimut Vanitcharearnthum on Macroeconomic Problems vs. Development Concerns: case study of Thailand at 02:30 to 03:30 PM
18-02-2021 , iimk campus
Seminar by Prof. Marianne Jahre and Joe Viana on Short of Drugs? Contributions from Operations and Supply Chain Management Research
25-02-2021 - 25-02-2021 , iimk campus
Seminar by Dr. Subramanian R. Iyer on The Politics of share Purchase:What does the evidence say?
08-07-2021 - 08-07-2021
Seminar by Prof. S. Arunachalam on Throwdown (A Multi-Segment Sales Contest) vs. Traditional (Single Segment) Sales Contest: Evidence from Field and Lab Experiments
30-09-2021 - 30-09-2021
Seminar by Dr. Ritika Jain on the Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the profitability of firms in India
21-10-2021 - 21-10-2021
Seminar by Prof. Sarang Deo on Integrated operations and disease modeling to evaluate COVID-19 pandemic response: Illustrative examples from India
25-11-2021 - 25-11-2021
Seminar by Prof. Priya Narayanan on Re(de)fining Dual-Process Theories of Information Processing: The ACCU Model
17-02-2022 - 17-02-2022
Seminar by Prof. Anirban Ghatak on T-Metric: a New Citation Metric for Time-Dependent Impact Measurement
10-03-2022 - 10-03-2022
Seminar by Prof. Ashutosh Sarkar and Prof. Shovan Chowdhury on Forecasting & Supply Chain Planning in an Indian Ethnic Wear Industry - A Case Study
31-03-2022 - 31-03-2022
Seminar by Dr. Subramanian R. Iyer on Socio-Economic Welfare, Taxation Policy and Corporate Investment
09-06-2022 - 09-06-2022
Seminar by Dr. Jaideep Chowdhury on Optimistic Directors and CEO Turnover
07-07-2022 - 07-07-2022
Seminar by Prof. Justin Paul on Masstige model and measure for brand management
28-07-2022 - 28-07-2022
Seminar by Prof. Deva Rangarajan Examining the Promise of a New Marketing Function: The Role of Customer Success Management in Ensuring Customer Health and Firm Performance
04-08-2022 - 04-08-2022
Seminar by Prof. Madhu Kalimipalli on Do Firms Benefit from Carbon Risk Management? Evidence from the Credit Default Swaps Market
03-04-2023 - 03-04-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. V.K Narayanan Deloitte & Touche Jones Stubbs Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA on Management Theory: quo vadis
02-05-2023 - 02-05-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
11-05-2023 - 11-05-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. BALASINGHAM BALACHANDRAN Professor and Head, Department of Finance at Monash University, Malaysia on FOUNDER CEOs AND CORPORATE CASH HOLDING
30-06-2023 - 30-06-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. V G VENKATESH Professor of Supply Chain Management at EM Normandie Business School, France on A PRIMER FOR AN IMPACTFUL RESEARCH JOURNEY
31-08-2023 - 31-08-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. VIJAYA BHASKAR MARISETTY Professor of Finance at the University of Hyderabad, India on Is Blockchain beneficial for Banks? Evidence from the Ripple Network Adoption
04-09-2023 - 04-09-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. VG SRIDHARAN Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode PAUL CORAM & YALIN HAN joins us online The University of Adelaide on Does Incentive Compensation Motivate Senior Managers to Approve Radical New Product Development Projects? An Experimental Investigation
14-09-2023 - 14-09-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. GOPAL KRISHNAN Professor of Accounting and the coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Accounting at Bentley University, USA on Do Female-Friendly Boards Mitigate Gender Pay Gap Among Directors?
25-10-2023 - 25-10-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. STEPHEN ZHANG Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Adelaide, Australia on Boon or bane having overconfident founder-CEOs for firm performance? The role of firm dynamic capability and CEO risk taking
02-11-2023 - 02-11-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Vikas Kumar Head of Discipline, International Business, University of Sydney on Using Emerging Market Context to Advance International Business Research
12-12-2023 - 12-12-2023 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Suresh Govindaraj, Professor and Director of the Ph.D. and DBA Programs, Rutgers University, USA on Valuation of Accruals and Investor Intertemporal Consumption-Investment Choices
04-01-2024 - 04-01-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof.RAVI RAMAMURTI Distinguished Professor of International Business & Strategy and Founding Director of the Center for Emerging Markets at Northeastern University on How can scholars use the Indian context to publish research that has universal relevance?
17-01-2024 - 17-01-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by PROF. V.K. NARAYANAN Deloitte & Touche Jones Stubbs Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA on Transfer of Learning Across Projects
25-01-2024 - 25-01-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Hari Ramasubramanian, Professor of managerial accounting at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany on Don t Get to the Point. Overprecision in Management Capital Expenditure Forecasts
17-05-2024 - 17-05-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Jose Sebastian, Former faculty at Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT), Thiruvananthapuram on Overcoming the Fiscal and Development Crisis of Kerala: Pension Reform as a Policy Option
30-05-2024 - 30-05-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Rama K Jayanti, Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair in Global Business, Fulbright Fellow, and Professor of Marketing at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA on Digital Disclosure of Pharmaceutical Industry Payments and Patient Trust in Physician
04-07-2024 - 04-07-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Sreevas Sahasranamam, Professor of International Business and Entrepreneurship at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow on Co-creating innovation ecosystems in contexts of absolute uncertainty: The case of low-cost heart valves in India
20-12-2024 - 20-12-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Ramesh Dangol, professor of management at Youngstown Statement University in Ohio, USA on Virtual Mobility: Mitigating the Adverse Effect of Violence Against Women on the Development of Employment Capabilities
28-12-2024 - 28-12-2024 , IIM Kozhikode
Seminar by Prof. Murali Krishna Mantrala, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri, United States on The Role of Same-side and Cross-side Influences in the Multinational Diffusion of Two-Sided Digital Platforms
07-01-2025 - 07-01-2025 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. VG Sridharan, Professor of Finance, Accounting and Control, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode on The Contagion Effect of CSR Restatements on Investors Judgements: Experimental Evidence
09-01-2025 - 09-01-2025 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. V K Narayanan, Deloitte & Touche Jones Stubbs Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in Drexel University, Philadelphia, United States on Adaptive and alterative activities of entrepreneurial intermediaries in transitional economies: A study of academic incubators in India
10-01-2025 - 10-01-2025 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Subramanian R Iyer, Associate Professor of Finance at the University of New Mexico, United States on JOBS Act 2012: Employment, Investment Growth, and Capital Formation
16-01-2025 - 16-01-2025 , IIMK Campus.
Seminar by Prof. Konstantinos V. Petrides, Professor of Psychology and Psychometrics at University College London (UCL) and the Founding Director of the London Psychometric Laboratory, London, UK on The TEIQue Advantage: Scientific Solutions for People Management, Human Resources, & Self-Development
23-01-2025 - 23-01-2025 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Haimanti Bhattacharya, Professor of Economics at the University of Utah, USA on The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Role of AI Quality Disclosure in Lie Detection
06-02-2025 - 06-02-2025 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Simy Joy, Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) and Academic Visitor at the University of East Anglia, UK on Developing papers for Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE)
13-02-2025 - 13-02-2025 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Alex Fenton, Associate Dean for International for the Faculty of Science, Business and Enterprise and Associate Professor of Digital Transformation at the University of Chester, UK on Going global , How to take your research international through netnography and digital transformation
18-02-2025 - 18-02-2025 , IIMK Campus
Seminar by Prof. Yaniv Hanoch, Coventry University, UK on The Psychology of Scams: Understanding Victimization and Prevention