Publication Year
Recent Trends in IT., 2000
Mobile Commerce., 2000
E-Banking and E-Marketing., 2000
Towards Good Governance -The e-option., 2000
Indian balance of payments., 2000
Economic Instability and Foreign Direct Investment: A cross-country study., 2000
Exchange Rate Variability, Trade Volumes and the European Monetary Union., 2000
Regression Analysis with t-distribution for the error., 2000
Supply Chain Management of Information., 2000
Robust Procedures in Statistical Process Control., 2000
Agricultural growth and economic welfare since 1991. Keynote address., 1999
Land reforms and agricultural production in Kerala., 1999
Land reforms and the question of food in Kerala. Eighth Daniel Thorner Memorial Lecture., 1999
Tree plantations for restoration of degraded lands and greening of India: A case study in Gujarat., 1999
Capital Liberalisation and East Asian Economies., 1999
General Electric: A case Study on Strategic Management., 1999
Parametric Estimation under censoring in some Reliability Models., 1999
Non-normality in Statistical Quality Control., 1999
Statistical Process Control for nonnormal data., 1999
The Ukraine Economy Today., 1998
The economic functions of the State., 1998
A panchayat level development index., 1998
History versus expectations in contemporary Ukraine., 1998
The Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. Invited talk., 1998
Why Local Resources Management Institutions Decline: A comparative analysis of Van Panchayats and Forest Protection Committees., 1998