Publication Year
A novel content classification scheme for Web caches,, 2011
Evolving Systems, 2011
An efficient Homomorphic coercion resistant and E2E verifiable voting scheme, 2010
Computer and Information Science, 2010
Application oriented connected dominating set-based cluster formation in sensor networks, 2011
Journal of Brazilian Computer Society, 2011
A Heuristic K-means algorithm with better accuracy and efficiency for clustering health informatics data, 2011
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2011
Economic paper blending optimization model with competing materials, 2010
Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal, 2010
Quantifying bullwhip effect in a closed loop supply chain, 2010
Systems engineering approach to reusable launch vehicle, 2010
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2010
Generic strategies and performance - evidence from manufacturing firms, 2011
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2011
Business level strategy and performance the moderating effects of environment and structure, 2010
Management Decision, 2010
Existence and extent of impact of individual stock derivatives on spot market volatility in India, 2011
Applied Financial Economics, 2011
Target shareholders wealth creation in domestic and cross border acquisitions in India, 2011
International Journal of Commerce and Management, 2011
Consumer expenditure distribution in India, 1983-2007: Evidence of a long pareto tail, 2011
Physica A, 2011
Supply chain management in a private farming vis-a-vis cooperative processing and distribution environment of dairy sector in India, 2010
Journal of Food Products Marketing, 2010
Development of a framework for implementioan of lean manufacturing systems, 2010
International Journal of Management Practice, 2010
Analysis of lean manufacturing frameworks, 2010
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2010
A mathematical model for evaluating the roles and responsibilities of human resources in a lean manufacturing environment, 2010
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2010
Impact of resources, capabilities and technology on market orientation of Indian B2B firms, 2011
Journal of Services Research, 2011
On the role of ~Punctuation~ in case teaching, 2009
Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2009
Open source web content management technologies for libraries, 2009
Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2009
Elliptic curve based authenticated session key establishment protocol for high security applications in constrained network environment, 2010
International Journal of Network Security and its Applications (IJNSA), 2010
An authenticated session key establishment protocol for high security applications, 2010
Canadian Journal of Network and Information Security, 2010
An adaptive indexed binary search tree for efficient Homomorphic coercion resistant voting scheme, 2010
International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT), 2010
Self-Organized QoS aware multicast routing scheme for Ad Hoc Networks, 2010
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2010
Cluster based MANET multicast routing scheme, 2010
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2010
Lack of correlation of Paraoxonase (PONI) Activity with smoking among the South Indians and risk of cardiovascular disease, 2010
World Applied Sciences Journal, 2010