Publication Year
Vector-valued bivariate Gini Index for truncated distributions (Jointly with E.I.Abdul Sathar and M. Nair in Statistical Papers., 2005, International Journal of E-business research., 2005
Probability of Bank Crises in Emerging Markets of Asia and South America, in: International Journal of Business Research., 2005
Asset Price Volatility and Consumer Price Inflation: Is there a predictive link?, in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics., 2005
EMU Membership, Trade and Investment flows, together with B. Barot and C. Wague, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics., 2005
Knowledge Community: Integrating ICT into Social Development in Developing Economies AI&Society, Springer Verlag., 2005
Corporate governance and performance of Indian firms: The effect of board size and ownership, Employee responsibilities and Rights Journal ,Vol. 17 issue (3)., 2005
The mode of a Probability Mass Function, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology., 2005
A Note on Skewness Coefficients, Teaching Statistics., 2005
An Elegant Mode for Determining the Mode, College Mathematics Journal., 2005
Strategy of Custamisation: A Case of Nokia, Asia-Pacific Business Review., 2005
Fair value of accounting: Challenges: Interview., 2003
The Accounting World, 2003
Auditor response: Will it serve the purpose? Interview., 2003
The Accounting World, 2003
Auditor response: Will it serve the purpose? Interview., 2003
The Accounting World, 2003
Archives: The way Indians greet., 2002
Case Folio, 2002
Case analysis of Radio FM, 2002
Case folio, 2002
Case analysis of Jaques Nasser at Ford. Case Folio 4(7): 43-44., 2002
Globalisation and Keynesian reach., 2002
Economic and Political Weekly 37(33): 3412-3413., 2002
The art of seduction in learning organizations.In Strategies for sustainable growth:Challenges for ndian Business and management Education,edited by J.L Batra and Srivastava,148-157.New Delhi :Instaprint., 2002
Making sense of the changing face of Google’s Search Engine Results Page: An advertiser’s perspective, 2017
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2017
Impact of Religion-Based Caste System on the Dynamics of Indian Trade Unions: Evidence From Two State-Owned Organizations in North India, 2017
Business & Society, 2017
India’s mandatory CSR policy: implications and implementation challenges, 2017
International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2017
Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises., 2017
Human Resource Management Review, 2017
Corporate Governance Determinants of FII in Indian IT Firms. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance., 2016
Indian Journal of Corporate Governance., 2016
Opportunistic earnings management during initial public offerings: evidence from India, 2016
Review of Accounting and Finance, 2016