Publication Year
Is bookbuilding an efficient IPO Pricing mechanism? - The Indian evidence, 2010
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2010
ARIMA Models to forecast demand in fresh supply chains, 2009
International Journal of Operational Research, 2009
City size distribution for India and China, 2009
Physica A, 2009
Selection of lean manufacturing systems using the analytic network process - a case study, 2009
Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2009
Application of benchmarking for assessing the lean manufacturing implementation, 2009
Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2009
Development of a framework for lean manufacturing systems, 2009
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2009
Simulation model for the design of lean manufacturing systems - a case study, 2009
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2009
Application of value stream mapping and simulation for the design of lean manufacturing systems - a case study, 2009
International Journal of Process and Simulation Modelling, 2009
Economic analysis of paper recycling vis-a-vis wood as raw material, 2006
International Journal of Production Economics, 2006
The maximum likelihood estimation of parameters in a symmetric location and scale family with Kurtosis three, 2005
Statistical Theory and Application, 2005
Seamless aggregation and integration of diverse datastreams: Essential strategies for building practical digital libraries and electronic information systems, 2005
International Information and Library Review, 2005
Library marketing in the New Information Environment: Ways and Means, 2006
Kelpro Bulletin, 2006
Quality of health delivery system: A case on the customer orientation of primary health centres, 2005
Journal of Health Management, 2005
India~s Textiles & Clothing Trade: Moving from big hopes & small grains to big hopes & big gains, 2006
Foreign Trade Review, 2006
EMU membership, trade and investment flows, 2005
International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2005
Asset price volatility and consumer inflation: Is there a predictive link?, 2005
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 2005
Probability of Bank crises in emerging markets of Asia and South America, 2005
International Journal of Business Research, 2005
Implementation of Six Sigma in the Service Industry, 2005
Effective Executive,2005, 2005
E-commerce adoption in the Hotel Industry in Thailand: An Empirical study, 2005
Information Technology and Tourism, 2005
Why do hotels adopt ICTs? A study among hotels in Thailand, 2005
International journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2005
"Exploring the role of expert power in channel management: An empirical study", 2005
Industrial Marketing Management, 2005
"On vertical differentiation, network externality and compatibility decisions: Existence of incompatible networks existence of incompatible networks - An example, 2005
Contemperory Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences, 2005
Patent licensing by a standard auction in presence of network externality, 2005
The Manchester School, 2005
A value added organizational knowledge framework for better decisions in wicked environments, 2005
The ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, 2005
Changing paradigms, competitive strategies and role of integrated marketing communication in building brands in Indian markets, 2004
Management and Labor Studies, 2004