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Journal Articles

Publication Year

State-level borrowing costs under deregulation - An Indian experience, 2013

Dey, S., & Nair, S. R

Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2013

The impact of firm~s financial flexibility on its strategic renewal: Key concepts with evidential support from businesses across industries, 2013

Balasubrahmanyam, S., Prasad, K., & Akhilesh, K. B

Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2013

A conceptual framework for lateral collaboration in semiconductor industry supply networks, 2012

Bahinipati, B. K., & Deshmukh, S. G

International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, 2012

Multi-criteria decision making with overlapping criteria, 2012

Abdulla, M. S

IIMB Management Review, 2012

Urbanized young Indians: Are they goal oriented? A scale-validation study of the regulatory focus questionnaire in the Indian context, 2012

Sett, R. K

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2012

Minimum Average Total Inspection (ATI) Chain Sampling Plan (ChSP-1), 2011

Raju, C., & Raghottam, A. H

International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, 2011

On designing chain sampling plan (ChSP-1) for average quality protection, 2012

Raju, C., & Raghottam, A. H

Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2012

Wheat price inflation in recent times: Causes, lessons and new perspectives, 2011

Nair, S. R., & Eapen, L. M

Economic and Political Weekly, 2011

Food price inflation in India (2008 to 2010) A commodity-wise analysis of the casual factors, 2012

Nair, S. R., & Eapen, L. M

Economic and Political Weekly, 2012

Lessons learned from large construction project in Saudi Arabia, 2012

Mitra, S., & Tan, A. W. K

Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2012

Do brand acquisitions create wealth for acquiring company shareholders? Evidence from India, 2012

Mann, B. J., & Kohli, R

Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2012

Roles of perceived exchange quality and organizational identification in predicting turnover intention, 2011

Kumar, M., & Singh, S

IIMB Management Review, 2011

Leader-Member exchange & perceived organizational justice - An empirical investigation, 2011

Kumar, M., & Singh, S

The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2011

Analyzing determinants of value creation in domestic and cross border acquisitions in India, 2012

Kohli, R., & Mann, B. J

International Business Review, 2012

Consumer promotion in the Indian market, 2011

Joseph, J., & Sivakumaran, B

Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2011

Challenges in the sustainability of a targeted health care initiative in India, 2012

Balooni, K., Gangopadhyay, K., Turakhia, S., & Karthik, R. G

IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2012

Impact of e-market on semiconductor supply chain coordination: guidelines from theory, 2012

Bahinipati, B. K., & Deshmukh, S. G

Logistics Research, 2012

Dominating set based, distributed and adaptive clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks, 2011

Anitha, V. S., & Sebastian, M. P

IET Communications, 2011

A novel content classification scheme for Web caches,, 2011

Sajeev, G. P., & Sebastian, M. P

Evolving Systems, 2011

An efficient Homomorphic coercion resistant and E2E verifiable voting scheme, 2010

George, V., & Sebastian, M. P

Computer and Information Science, 2010

Application oriented connected dominating set-based cluster formation in sensor networks, 2011

Anitha, V. S., & Sebastian, M. P.

Journal of Brazilian Computer Society, 2011

A Heuristic K-means algorithm with better accuracy and efficiency for clustering health informatics data, 2011

Nazeer, A., Sebastian, M. P., & Madhukumar

Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2011

Economic paper blending optimization model with competing materials, 2010

Pati, R. K., & Vrat, P

Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal, 2010

Quantifying bullwhip effect in a closed loop supply chain, 2010

Pati, R. K., Vrat, P., & Kumar, P


Systems engineering approach to reusable launch vehicle, 2010

Pati, R. K

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2010

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