Publication Year
Psychological contract violation and customer intentions to reuse online retailers: Exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms., 2017
Journal of Business Research, Forthcoming,, 2017
Service employee adaptiveness: Exploring the impact of role-stress and managerial control approaches., 2017
Employee Relations, Emerald Publishing Limited,, 2017
Proactive Market Orientation and Innovation in India: The Moderating Role of Intra-Firm Causal Ambiguity, 2017
Journal of Management and Organization,, 2017
Lightly trained support vector data description for novelty detection,, 2017
Expert Systems with Applications,, 2017
The Influence of Green IS Practices on Competitive Advantage: Mediation Role of Green Innovation Performance., 2017
Information Systems Management, 2017
Cobweb Theorem: Signals from Indian Commodity Markets, with Specific Reference to Pulses., 2017
ICAI~s Research Bulletin, 2017
Banks in India- Efficiency in Financing Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Under PMMY Scheme: DEA Approach., 2017
SMART Journal of Business Management Studies,, 2017
Markets, Growth and Social Opportunity India since 1991., Economic & Political Weekly., 2017
., 2017
International trade and firms attitude towards risk, Economic Modelling., 2017
., 2017
Input Trade Reform and Wage Inequality., International Review of Economics and Finance., 2017
., 2017
Systemic leanness: An index for facilitating continuous improvement of lean implementation, 2016
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2016
Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship: A comparative study of India and China, 2016
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2016
Why do firms locate across multiple clusters? cluster density, capabilities and ethnic ties, 2015
Industry and Innovation, 2015
The impact of information systems on Management performance in the pharmaceutical industry, 2015
Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 2015
Greetings and interpersonal closeness: The case of Bengalis on Orkut, 2016
Language & Communication, 2016
Converging sustainability definitions: industry independent dimensions, 2015
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2015
Simulation as a pedagogical tool: Measurement of impact on perceived effective learning, 2014
The International Journal of Management Education, 2014
Differentiating subjective and objective attributes of experience products to estimate willingness to pay price premium, 2014
Journal of Travel Research, 2014
Organizational responses to institutional changes - A review and an extension, 2013
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2013
The heterogeneous effect of WOM on product sales: why the effect of WOM valence is mixed?, 2012
European Journal of Marketing, 2012
Availability estimation of a cooling yower using GSPN, 2013
International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2013
Technology selection for product innovation using Analytic Network Process (ANP) - A case study, 2012
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012
Generalized stochastic petrinets for reliability analysis of lube oil system with common-cause failures, 2012
American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2012
Research on management issues in the pharmaceutical industry: A literature review, 2012
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 2012
Fresh supply chain management: A literature review, 2013
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2013