Publication Year
On Compounded Geometric Distributions and Their Applications, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2016
., 2016
Bayes estimation in M/M/1 queues with bivariate prior., 2016
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems,, 2016
Ordering properties of order statistics from heterogeneous exponentiated Weibull models., 2016
Weibull models. Statistics & Probability Letters,, 2016
Are complexity and uncertainty distinct concepts in project management? A taxonomical examination from literature., 2016
International Journal of Project Management,, 2016
Six decades of project management research: Thematic trends and future opportunities., 2016
International Journal of Project Management,, 2016
Multi-period reverse logistics network design for used refrigerators, 2018
Applied Mathematical Modelling, February 2018
Leanness assessment - a literature review., 2016
International Journal of Production and Operations Management,, 2016
Systemic leanness: An index for facilitating continuous improvement of lean implementation, 2016
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2016
Playing games, receiving gifts, creating experiences and building brands, 2016
Journal of Marketing Intelligence and Planning,, 2016
Employee participation and turnover intention: exploring the explanatory roles of organizational justice and learning goal satisfaction., 2016
Journal of Workplace Learning,, 2016
Let~s play: the use of Improv games in change management training-a case study., 2016
Industry and Higher Education, 2016
Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises, 2016
Journal of World Business, 2016
Response rate in industrial surveys conducted in India: Trends and implications., 2016
IIMB Management Review, 2016
Goal Congruence in Hedonistic and Utilitarian Reasons for Purchase and Features of a Product., 2016
South Asian Journal of Management,, 2016
Use of Cloud Computing and Smart Devices in Healthcare., 2016
International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering;, 2016
Assessing the adoption of a Home health provisioning system in India: An analysis of doctors., 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management,, 2016
Electronic warfare: A personality model of cyber incivility., 2016
Computers in Human Behavior,, 2016
Equanimity: An Essential Divine Virtue for Decision Making., 2016
Nehru School of Management Journal, Dec-16 2016
The Complementary Role of Science, Spirituality and Ethics for a new World Order - The Golden Age,, 2016
Nitte Management Review,, 2016
An Integrated Model for E-waste Management in India Using Systems Thinking., 2016
Management and Labour Studies, 2016
Artificial Intelligence Marketing: An application of a novel Lightly Trained Support Vector Data Description. J, 2016
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 2016
Multi-armed bandits based on a variant of Simulated Annealing., 2016
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,, 2016
Communication: Life blood of every organization R.V. Lesikar, M.E. Flatley, K. Rentz, P. Lentz, and N. Pande, Business Communication: Connecting in a Digital World, 2016
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2016
Computer-Related Health Problems among White-Collar Employees: Communicating a Blueprint., 2016
Indian Journal of Science and Technology,, 2016
Open Interest, Basis, Volume and Spot Volatility during Growth, Crisis and Stable Period,Evidence from Indian Stock Market., 2016
Finance India, 2016