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Journal Articles

Publication Year

Launching Enterprise Data Backup and Recovery Solutions: the Case of Ozonetel, 2010

Kumar, S., & Varma, S.

Inderscience Journal of Tech Marketing, 2010

Curse or blessing? Local elites in Joint Forest Management in India~s Shiwaliks, 2010

Balooni, K., Lund, J. F., Kumar, C., & Inoue, M.

International Journal of the Commons, 2010

Business-level Strategy and Performance The moderating effects of environment and structure, 2010

Nandakumar, M. K., Ghobadian, A., & O~Regan, N.

Management Decision, 2010

B-Schoolers Talk Budget, 2010

Nair, A.

Business World (Online Edition), 2010

Application of Analytic Network Process for the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2010

Kodali, R., & Anand, G.

Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2010

The behavior of household and business investment over the business cycle, 2009

Gangopadhyay, K., & Hatchondo, J. C.

Economic Quarterly, 2009

Performance of an add-drop-interchange heuristic for the capacitated facility location problem, 2009

Sinha, P.

International Journal of Applied Management Science, 2009

On the reliability function of a coherent structure of components sharing a common environment, 2009

Choudhari, G.

Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 2009

Oil Shocks: How Destabilizing are they, 2009

Bhattacharya, J.

Social Scientist, 2009

Joint forest management in India: The management change process, 2009

Balooni, K., & Inoue, M.

IIMB Management Review, 2009

Fiscal deficits and the interest rate, 2009

Bhattacharya, J.

Economic & Political Weekly, 2009

Financing pattern of foreign and domestic owned pharmaceutical companies India, 2009

Kuntluru, S., & Khan, M. A. A.

The Management Account journal, 2009

Effect of instituting authorized neighborhood associations on communal (Iriai) forest ownership, 2009

Yamashita, U., Balooni, K., & Inoue, M.

Society & Natural Resources, 2009

Change we can believe in? Reviewing studies on the conservation impact of popular participation in forest management, 2009

Lund, F. L., Balooni, K., & Casse, T.

Conservation and Society, 2009

Anomalies in CAPM: A panel data analysis under Indian conditions, 2009

Nair, A. S., Sarkar, A., Ramanathan, A., & Subramanyam, A.

International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2009

When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Product adaptation in rural markets- preliminary findings, 2008

Sridhar, G.

Vidwat, 2008

Understanding consumer~s attitude towards retail store in stockout situations, 2008

Velayudhan, S. K., & Rani, L.

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2008

Two approaches to workplace spirituality facilitation: A comparison and implications, 2008

Pawar, B. S.

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2008

Trade competitiveness and exchange rate policy in ASEAN, Anveshak, 2008

Bhatt, P. R.

Indias trade competitiveness and exchange rate policy,Margin- Journal of Applied Economic Research, 2008

Bhatt, P. R.

The moderating role of industrial experience in the job satisfaction, intention to leave relationship, 2008

Purani, K.

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2008

The Effectiveness of Decentralisation Reforms in the Philippines~s Forestry Sector, 2008

Balooni, K., Pulhin, J. M., & Inoue, M.

Ge oforum, 2008

Regional and global financial integration of the Gulf co-operation community countries, 2008

Al-Abri, A. M., Batavia, B., & Nandakumar, P.

Journal of International Finance and Economics, 2008

Prospects for the Euro - Will reserve holdings shift in it favour, 2008

Batavia, B., Nandakumar, P., & Wague, C.

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2008

Open Access: The new frontier connecting the learning commons through to hassle-free and seamless scholarly communication, 2008

Sreekumar, M. G.

World Digital Libraries, 2008

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