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Journal Articles

Publication Year

Keynes with or without capital flows, 2003

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2003

Globalisation, growth and justice, 2003

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2003

Food prices and the efficiency of intervention,The case of the PDS in India, 2003

Balakrishnan, P., & Ramaswami, B.

Food Policy, 2003

Financing of wasteland afforestation in India, 2003

Balooni, K., & Singh, K.

Natural Resources Forum [Blackwell], 2003

Economics of wastelands afforestation in India: a review, 2003

Balooni, K.

New Forests [Kluwer], 2003

Changes in workforce structure in India, 2003

Bhatt, P. R.

Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2003

Why local resources management institutions decline: A comparative analysis of Van (Forest) Panchayats and forest protection committees in India, 2002

Ballabh, V., Balooni, K., & Dave, S.

World Development [Elsevier], 2002

Why did a slump follow the land reforms in Kerala?, 2002

Balakrishnan, P.

South Asian Economic Journal, 2002

The budget and the economy, 2002

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2002

Managing marketing channels for high technology products: A behaviour based approach, 2002

Sahadev, S.

Decision, 2002

Internationalisation and innovation: A case study of Nokia, 2002

Bhatt, P. R.

Vision, 2002

Hello Marxism, goodbye Leninism! Review of Marx~s Revenge by Meghnad Desai, 2002

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, September 2002

Financial crises of Latin America and East Asia: A comparison, 2002

Bhatt, P. R.

Man and Development, 2002

Exchange rate of rupee vis-a-vis major international currencies, 2002

Bhatt, P. R.

Prajnan, 2002

Analysis of TCP/LLC protocols based on GPRS system, 2002

Zhou, L., Chan, P.S.Y., & Pillai, R. K.

Computer Communications Jl, 2002

Tree plantations for restoration of degraded lands and greening of India: a case study of tree growers~ co-operatives, 2001

Balooni, K., & Singh, K.

Natural Resources Forum [Elsevier], 2001

Trade and investment flows in SAARC region, 2001

Bhatt, P. R.

Man and Development, September 2001

TFPG in manufacturing: The 80s revisited, 2001

Balakrishnan, P., & Pushpangadan, K.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2001

Number of transactions and volatility: An empirical study using high-frequency data from Nasdaq stocks, 2001

Gopinath, S., & Krishnamurti, C.

Journal of Financial Research, 2001

Adaptation to creation: Progress of organizational learning and increasing complexity of learning systems, 2001

Nair, U. K.

Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2001

Vision and illusion in fiscal correction, 2000

Balakrishnan, P., & Ramaswami, B.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2000

Trade liberalisation and prodictivity growth in manufacturing: Evidence from firm-level panel data, 2000

Balakrishnan, P., Pushpangadan, K., & Suresh Babu, M.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2000

Teak investment programmes: an Indian perspective, 2000

Balooni, K.

Unasylva- An International Journal of Forestry and Forest Industries [FAO],, 2000

Taxing grey products: market-based instruments, 2000

Balooni, K.

Indian Management, 2000

Managing village plantations through tree growers~ co-operatives in India: emerging issues and policy implications, 2000

Balooni, K., & Ballabh, V.

Agricultural Economics Research Review [Agricultural Economics Research Association], 2000

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