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Journal Articles

Publication Year

Greetings and interpersonal closeness: The case of Bengalis on Orkut, 2016

Das, A., & Herring, S. C

Language & Communication, 2016

Converging sustainability definitions: industry independent dimensions, 2015

John, L., & Narayanamurthy, G

World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2015

Simulation as a pedagogical tool: Measurement of impact on perceived effective learning, 2014

Tiwari, S., Nafees, L., & Krishnan, O

The International Journal of Management Education, 2014

Differentiating subjective and objective attributes of experience products to estimate willingness to pay price premium, 2014

Adhikari, A

Journal of Travel Research, 2014

Organizational responses to institutional changes - A review and an extension, 2013

Mukundhan, K. V

IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2013

The heterogeneous effect of WOM on product sales: why the effect of WOM valence is mixed?, 2012

Yang, J., Kim, W., Amblee, N., & Jeong, J

European Journal of Marketing, 2012

Availability estimation of a cooling yower using GSPN, 2013

Thangamani, G

International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2013

Technology selection for product innovation using Analytic Network Process (ANP) - A case study, 2012

Thangamani, G

International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012

Generalized stochastic petrinets for reliability analysis of lube oil system with common-cause failures, 2012

Thangamani, G

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2012

Research on management issues in the pharmaceutical industry: A literature review, 2012

Sushmita, A., Pati, R. K., & Vrat, P

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 2012

Fresh supply chain management: A literature review, 2013

Shukla, M., & Jharkharia, S

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2013

Fresh supply chain management: A literature review, 2013

Shukla, M., & Jharkharia, S

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2013

Fresh supply chain management: A literature review, 2013

Shukla, M., & Jharkharia, S

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2013

Simulated annealing-based algorithm for the capacitated hub routing problem, 2013

Ramkumar, P. N., & Sivakumar, A. I

International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2013

Diversification strategy and firm performance: evidence from Indian manufacturing firms, 2013

Purkayastha, S

Global Business Review, 2013

A Novel harmony search - K means hybrid algorithm for clustering gene expression data, 2013

Nazeer, A., Sebastian, M. P., & kumar, M

Bioinformation, 2013

Impact of board characteristics on firm performance of Indian companies, 2013

Kuntluru, S., & Fatima, F

International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2013

Foreign Direct Investment and export performance of pharmaceutical firms in India: An empirical approach, 2012

Kuntluru, S., Muppani, V. R., & Khan, M. A

International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2012

Measuring humane orientation of organizations through social exchange and organizational identification facilitation and control of burnout and intent to quit, 2012

Kumar, M., Singh, S., Rai, H., & Bhattacharya, A

International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 2012

An exploratory study on executive management education through technology mediated distance learning in India, 2012

Krishnan, T. N

Industrial & Commercial Training, 2012

Economy, markets and consumption: A critical review, 2012

Krishnan, O

Crescent Journal of Business, 2012

Humanitarian supply chain management in India: a SAP-LAP framework, 2012

John, L., & Ramesh, A

Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2012

Supply chain issues in mergers and acquisitions: A case from Indian aviation industry, 2012

Jharkharia, S

International Journal of Aviation Management, 2012

An energy conserving approach for data formatting and trusted data exchange in resource constrained networks, 2012

Haleem, A., & Sebastian, M. P

Knowledge and Information Systems, 2012

Success of a merger or acquisition - A consideration of influencing factors, 2012

Gupta, M. A., Kumar, R., & Upadhyayula, R. S

International Journal of Management Practice, 2012

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