Publication Year
Distribution-free Phase II CUSUM Control Chart for Joint Monitoring of Location and Scale., 2015
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2015
Bayesian Estimation of Traffic Intensity in an M/Er/1 Queueing Model., 2014
Research and Reviews- Journal of Statistics, 2014
Commercializing academic research in emerging economies: Do organizational identities matter?, 2015
Science and Public Policy. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scu076., 2015
Trends in innovation management research in India - An Analysis of Publications for the Period 1991 - 2013, Current Science, 2015
., 2015
Forest rights: The hard currency of REDD+., 2014
Conservation Letters, 2014
An application of analytic network Process for the selection of cellular manufacturing systems., 2014
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2014
An application of grey based decision making approach for the selection of manufacturing system., 2014
Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 2014
Business process re-engineering through lean thinking ? A case study, 2014