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Journal Articles

Publication Year

Square root of time rule and the Indian stock market, 2006

Kumar, S. S. S.

South Asian Journal of Management, 2006

Solar energy development in India: An assessment, 2006

Sthanumoorthy, R. & Eapen, L. M.

The ICFAI Journal of Infrastructure, 2006

Role of institutional investors in Indian stock market, 2006

Kumar, S. S. S.

Impact, 2006

Labour arrangements and bargaining outcomes under different Market Conditions, 2006

Chakravarty, D.

Indian Journal of Labour Economics,, 2006

Growing services in India: An intersectoral analysis of state level data, 2006

Chakravarty, D.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2006

Energy conservation- A sectoral analysis, 2006

Sthanumoorthy, R. & Eapen, L. M.

The ICFAI Journal of Infrastructure, 2006

Economic effects of value added tax, 2006

Sthanumoorthy, R.

The ICFAI Journal of Public Finance, 2006

Economic Convergence in the old and the new economiesof the OECD, 2006

Nandakumar, P., Batavia, B., & Wague, C.

The Journal of the American Academy of Management, 2006

Comparative performance of volatility forecasting models in Indian markets, 2006

Kumar, S. S. S.

Decision, 2006

Bayesian Estimation of Lorenz curve and Gini Index in a shifted exponential distribution, 2006

Suresh, R. P., & Abdul Sathar, E. I.

Statistical Methods, 2006

Measuring productivity in manufacturing sector, 2004

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2004

Managing the distribution channels for high-technology products: A behavioral approach, 2004

Sahadev, S., & Jayachandran, S.

European Journal of Marketing, 2004

Growth and distribution in Indian industry in the nineties, 2004

Balakrishnan, P., & Suresh Babu, M.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2004

Some refinements to the stock valuation models based on accounting variables, 2003

Kumar, S. S. S.

South Asian Journal of Management, 2003

Middle managers score fewer goals and make more fouls: Findings from a computer simulated top management simulation, 2003

Nair, U. K.

Issue on Asian Experiences in Simulation & Gaming, 2003

Market innovative strategy: A case of L G Electronics, 2003

Bhatt, P. R.

Vision, 2003

Keynes with or without capital flows, 2003

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2003

Globalisation, growth and justice, 2003

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2003

Food prices and the efficiency of intervention,The case of the PDS in India, 2003

Balakrishnan, P., & Ramaswami, B.

Food Policy, 2003

Financing of wasteland afforestation in India, 2003

Balooni, K., & Singh, K.

Natural Resources Forum [Blackwell], 2003

Economics of wastelands afforestation in India: a review, 2003

Balooni, K.

New Forests [Kluwer], 2003

Changes in workforce structure in India, 2003

Bhatt, P. R.

Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2003

Why local resources management institutions decline: A comparative analysis of Van (Forest) Panchayats and forest protection committees in India, 2002

Ballabh, V., Balooni, K., & Dave, S.

World Development [Elsevier], 2002

Why did a slump follow the land reforms in Kerala?, 2002

Balakrishnan, P.

South Asian Economic Journal, 2002

The budget and the economy, 2002

Balakrishnan, P.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2002

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