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Journal Articles

Publication Year

Distinguishing between Financial openness and True Financial Integration, 2004

B, Batavia., Nandakumar, P., & C, Wague.

Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2004

Exchange Rate Variability, Trade Volumes and the European Monetary Union, 2003

B, Batavia., Nandakumar, P., & C, Wague.

International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2003

The Case for Openness: From here to Eternity? The Debate in the aftermath of the Asian Crisis, 2003

B, Batavia., Nandakumar, P., & C, Wague.

International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2003

Middle managers score fewer goals and make more fouls: Findings from a Computer Stimulated Top Management Simulation, 2003

Nair, U. K.

Simulation & Gaming, Special issue on Asian Experiences in Simulation and Gaming, 2003

Some refinements to the stock valuation models based on Accounting variables, 2003

Kumar, S. S. S.

South Asian Journal of Management, 2003

Changes in Workforce Structure in India, 2003

Bhtatt P. R.

Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2003

Market Innovative strategy: A case of LG Electronics, 2003

Bhtatt P. R.

Vision, 2003

Economics of wastelands afforestation in India, a review, 2003

Balooni, K.

New Forests, 2003

Financing of wasteland afforestation in India, 2003

Balooni, K., & Singh, K.

Natural Resources Forum, 2003

Measuring Productivity in Manufacturing Sector, 2004

Balakrishnan, Pulapre.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2004

Globalisation, growth and justice, 2003

Balakrishnan, Pulapre.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2003

Growth and Distribution in Indian Industry in the Nineties, 2004

Balakrishnan, Pulapre., & Babu, Suresh M.

Economic and Political Weekly, 2004

Estimation of change point when hazard rate changes sharply, 2002

Suresh, R. P

Journal of Indian Statistical Association, 2002

Managing marketing channels for high technology products: A behaviour based approach, 2002

Sahadev, Sunil

Decision, 2002

Sustainable change through transfer of technology and produce marketing - A case study of the Dongriya Kondh community of Orissa, 2003

Panda, Tapan K.

Social Change, 2003

Economic instability and foreign direct investment: A cross-country study, 2003

Batavia, B., Nandakumar, P., & Wague, C.

Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 2003

Moments of truth: The experiences of wives in HIV/AIDS affected nuclear households in Mumbai, India, 2003

D~Cruz, P.

Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2003

Family focussed interventions in health and illness, 2003

D~Cruz, P.

Journal of Health Management, 2003

HIV/AIDS and the workplace: Challenges and responses, 2003

D~Cruz, P.

Global Business Review, 2003

Engulfing darkness: The impact of HIV/AIDS on the family, 2002

D~Cruz, P

Families in society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 2002

Teaching ethics: The underpinnings., 2002

Cyriac, K.

Management Review, 2002

Financial crises of Latin America and East Asia: A comparison, 2002

Bhatt P. R.

Man and Development, 2002

Internationalisation and innovation: A case study of Nokia, 2002

Bhatt P. R.

Vision, 2002

Why local resources management institutions decline: A comparative analysis of Van (Forest) Panchayats and Forest Protection Committees in India, 2002

Ballabh, V., Balooni, K., & Dave, S.

World Development, 2002

Food prices and the efficiency of public intervention: The case of the public distribution system in India, 2003

Balakrishnan, Pulapre., & Ramaswami, R.

Food Policy, 2003

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