Publication Year
Moderating Effects of Indulgence on Technostress Creators and Technology Assisted Supplemental Work, 2018
International Journal of Information Management, 2018
Supplier Selection of an Indian Heavy Locomotive Manufacturer: An Integrated Approach using Taguchi Loss Function, TOPSIS, and AHP, 2018
IIMB Management Review, 2018
Contemporaneous and Causal Relationship between Returns and Volume: Evidence from NIFTY Futures, 2017
International Journal of Finance, 2017
Assessing the readiness to implement lean in healthcare institutions – A case study, 2018
International Journal of Production Economics., 2018
Revisiting the critical failure factors of ERP to explore their relationships – an ISM based approach, 2017
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2017
Toward a conceptualization of perceived complaint handling quality in social media and traditional service channels, 2018
European Journal of Marketing, 2018
Compounded Inverse Weibull Distributions: Properties, Inference and Applications,, 2018
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2018
Corporate social entrepreneurship in India, South Asian Journal of Global Business Research., 2016
., 2016
Managerial applications of machine learning: A Case of Direct marketing, Journal ofInformation and Optimization Sciences., 2015
Iam not sure how much it will be helpful for me: Factors for digital inclusion among middle-class women in India, Librarv Quarterly Special Issue 0/1 information and social justice: Connecting Values, Ethics, and Human, 2015
State-level Borrowing Costs under Deregulation - An Indian Experience. Journal of Asia Business Studies., 2012
Comparing the Importance of Luxury Value Per- ceptions in Cross-national Contexts. Journal of Business Research., 2012
Diversification and Performance in Developed and Emerging Market Contexts: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Management Reviews., 2011
-, 2011
The Impact of Deregulation of Government Securities Market on Interest Costs of the States in India, Journal of Asia Business Studies., 2012
Is there a need for stricter quality control in peer reviews? Quality Assurance in Education., 2012
-, 2012
structured case studies: Information communication technology adoption by small to medium food enterpriscs, British Food Journal., 2012
Consumer Involvement in Product Choice - Role of Perceived Risk, Decision., 2007
Vector-valued bivariate Gini Index for truncated distributions, Statistical Papers, 2007
The Moderating Role ofIndustrialExperience in the Job Satisfaction, Intention to Lean Relationship: An Empirical Study among Salesmen in India,Jornal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2007
Docile Oriental Women and the Organized Labour: A case study of the Indian garment industry, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2007
Docile Oriental Women and the Organized Labour: A case study of the Indian garment industry, Indian Journal of Gender Studies., 2007
Patent Licensing by a Standard Auction in Presence of Network Externality. The Manchester School, 2004
Brand Paradigm and Strategies in Indian Market. Management and Labor Studies., 2004
Brand Placements in Hindi Films. ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management, 2004
Achieving downsizing Managerial perspective. Global Business Review., 2004