Publication Year
Business process re-engineering through lean thinking ? A case study., 2013
Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 2013
A mathematical model to evaluate the role of agility enablers and criteria in a manufacturing environment., 2013
International Journal of Production Research, 2013
Review on Supply Chain Management Research - an Indian perspective., 2013
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2013
Graph theoretic approach for analysing the readiness of an organisation for adapting lean thinking: A case study., 2013
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2013
TMT Behavioural Integration: Pathways to Eco-Innovation through Organizational Ambidexterity, 2014
IIM Indore Management Journal, 2014
Two paths to diversification: Performance implications of related diversification across two dimensions in professional service firms., 2014
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2014
Strategic Archetypes of Emerging Market Multinationals: Analysis of Outward FDI of Indian Firms., 2014
Advances in International Management, 2014
An Empirical Investigation of Mobile Banking Adoption in Developing Countries., 2015
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 2015
Measuring Consumer Motivations to Share Rumors: Scale Development., 2014
International Journal of Online Marketing, 2014
Nonverbal Communication in Doctor-Patient Interaction: An Exploratory Study of Three Major Cities of Kerala (India)., 2014
IIMS Journal of Management Science, 2014
An analysis of the factors determining crime in England and Wales: A quantile regression approach., 2015
Economics Bulletin, 2015
Crime and conflict in India., 2014
Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2014
Utility of clinical technology-processes for developing countries., 2014
Clinical Governance, 2014
Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Multi-Stress ALT Data of Series Systems with Competing Log-Normal Causes of Failure., 2015
Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2015
Indigenous Knowledge and Science in the Age of Globalization~, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2014
Selecting a suitable Cloud Computing technology deployment model for an academic Institute?a case study., 2014
Campus-Wide Information Systems, 2014
). The relationship between Consumer Ethnocentrism, Cosmopolitanism and Product Country Image amongst younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status., 2015
International Business Review,, 2015
Effects of competitive psychological climate, work-family conflict and role conflict on customer orientation: The case of call centre employees in India., 2014
Journal of Indian Business Research, 2014
Brand Extension Evaluation: Real world and Virtual World., 2014
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2014
Globalization and Academic Research: The Case of Sustainability Marketing., 2014
IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review, 2014
Two-phase usability evaluation of insurance website prototypes., 2015
International Journal of E-Business Research, 2015
Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the everyday lives of Indian women: a normative behaviour perspective., 2015
Information Research,, 2015
Implementation and Use of Web Analytics for Academic Library Websites., 2013
World Digital Libraries, 2013
Modelling Bullwhip Effect in a Closed Loop Supply Chain with ARMA Demand, 2014
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2014
A real option-based supply chain project evaluation and scheduling method, 2014
International Journal of Production Research, 2014