Publication Year
Using Extempore as a Task to Improve Oral Communication Skills, 2012
English for Specific Purposes World, 2012
Technological infusion and the change in private, urban green spaces, 2012
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2012
Technological infusion and the change in private, urban green spaces, 2012
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2012
Task-based Oral Communication Teaching, 2012
English for Specific Purposes World, 2012
Strategies on e-resources management for smart information systems, 2012
Annals of Library and Information studies, 2012
Real-Time Analysis of CDN in an Academic Institute: A Simulation Study, 2012
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2012
Measuring horizontal collaboration intensity in supply chain: a graph-theoretic approach, 2012
Production Planning & Control, 2012
Eliciting individual Preference and Bargaining Behavior in Families Buying decision.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2012
., 2012
Harnessing the Influence of Social Proof in Online Shopping: The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on Sales of Digital Microproducts, 2012
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2012
Gender-role stereotypes: perception and practice of leadership in the Middle East, 2012
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 2012
E-markets and supply chain collaboration: a literature-based review of contributions with specific reference to the semiconductor industries, 2012
Logistics Research, 2012
Does stronger protection of intellectual property stimulate innovation?, 2012
Elsevier international journal of Economics Letters, 2012
Diversity in career systems: The role of employee work values, 2012
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Development of a measure of employee engagement, 2012
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Comparing the Importance of Luxury Value Perceptions in Cross-national Context, Journal of Business Research, 2011
-, 2011
An application of analytic network process for selection of a plant location: a case study, 2012
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2012
An application of analytic hierarchy process for the selection of a methodology to improve the product development process, 2012
Journal of Modelling in Management, 2012
Vertical Collaboration in the Semiconductor Industry: A Decision Framework for Supply Chain Relationships, 2011
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2011
Understanding employment relationship in Indian organizations through the lens of psychological contracts, 2011
Employee Relations, 33(5): 551-569, 2011
The Evolution of the Transport and Logistics Sector in Dubai, 2011
Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2011
Optimization of process parameters by Taguchi robust design method for the development of nano-crystals of sirolimus using sonication based crystallization, 2011
Crystal Research Technology, 2011
Issues and perspectives of business transformations in semiconductor industry supply chain: reviews and insights, 2011
International Journal of Business Insights and Transformations, 2011
Development of analytic network process for the selection of material handling systems in the design of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), 2011
Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2011
Design of lean manufacturing systems using value stream mapping with simulation - A case study, 2011
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2011
Analysis of Financial Statement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): A case of select Indian pharmaceutical companies, 2011
The Business Review, Cambridge, 2011