Publication Year
Open source web content management technologies for libraries, 2009
Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2009
Elliptic curve based authenticated session key establishment protocol for high security applications in constrained network environment, 2010
International Journal of Network Security and its Applications (IJNSA), 2010
An authenticated session key establishment protocol for high security applications, 2010
Canadian Journal of Network and Information Security, 2010
An adaptive indexed binary search tree for efficient Homomorphic coercion resistant voting scheme, 2010
International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT), 2010
Self-Organized QoS aware multicast routing scheme for Ad Hoc Networks, 2010
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2010
Cluster based MANET multicast routing scheme, 2010
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2010
Lack of correlation of Paraoxonase (PONI) Activity with smoking among the South Indians and risk of cardiovascular disease, 2010
World Applied Sciences Journal, 2010
Workplace spirituality facilitation: A comprehensive model, 2009
Journal of Business Ethics, 2009
Individual spirituality, workplace spirituality and work attitudes: An empirical test of direct and interaction effects, 2009
Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 2009
Some of the recent organizational behaviour concepts as precursors to workplace sprituality, 2009
Journal of Business Ethics, 2009
Decision making model for economical wastepaper collection, 2009
Productivity, 2009
Effect of CG scores on the performance of select PSUs in India, 2010
GITAM Journal of Management, 2010
Determinants of customer switching behavior in Indian Banking Service, 2010
Journal of Venture Capital and Financial Services, 2010
Is bookbuilding an efficient IPO Pricing mechanism? - The Indian evidence, 2010
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2010
ARIMA Models to forecast demand in fresh supply chains, 2009
International Journal of Operational Research, 2009
City size distribution for India and China, 2009
Physica A, 2009
Selection of lean manufacturing systems using the analytic network process - a case study, 2009
Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2009
Application of benchmarking for assessing the lean manufacturing implementation, 2009
Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2009
Development of a framework for lean manufacturing systems, 2009
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2009
Simulation model for the design of lean manufacturing systems - a case study, 2009
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2009
Application of value stream mapping and simulation for the design of lean manufacturing systems - a case study, 2009
International Journal of Process and Simulation Modelling, 2009
Economic analysis of paper recycling vis-a-vis wood as raw material, 2006
International Journal of Production Economics, 2006
The maximum likelihood estimation of parameters in a symmetric location and scale family with Kurtosis three, 2005
Statistical Theory and Application, 2005
Seamless aggregation and integration of diverse datastreams: Essential strategies for building practical digital libraries and electronic information systems, 2005
International Information and Library Review, 2005
Library marketing in the New Information Environment: Ways and Means, 2006
Kelpro Bulletin, 2006