Publication Year
Curse or blessing? Local elites in Joint Forest Management in India~s Shiwaliks, 2010
International Journal of the Commons, 2010
Business-level Strategy and Performance The moderating effects of environment and structure, 2010
Management Decision, 2010
B-Schoolers Talk Budget, 2010
Business World (Online Edition), 2010
Application of Analytic Network Process for the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2010
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2010
The behavior of household and business investment over the business cycle, 2009
Economic Quarterly, 2009
Performance of an add-drop-interchange heuristic for the capacitated facility location problem, 2009
International Journal of Applied Management Science, 2009
On the reliability function of a coherent structure of components sharing a common environment, 2009
Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 2009
Oil Shocks: How Destabilizing are they, 2009
Social Scientist, 2009
Joint forest management in India: The management change process, 2009
IIMB Management Review, 2009
Fiscal deficits and the interest rate, 2009
Economic & Political Weekly, 2009
Financing pattern of foreign and domestic owned pharmaceutical companies India, 2009
The Management Account journal, 2009
Effect of instituting authorized neighborhood associations on communal (Iriai) forest ownership, 2009
Society & Natural Resources, 2009
Change we can believe in? Reviewing studies on the conservation impact of popular participation in forest management, 2009
Conservation and Society, 2009
Anomalies in CAPM: A panel data analysis under Indian conditions, 2009
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2009
When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Product adaptation in rural markets- preliminary findings, 2008
Vidwat, 2008
Understanding consumer~s attitude towards retail store in stockout situations, 2008
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2008
Two approaches to workplace spirituality facilitation: A comparison and implications, 2008
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2008
Trade competitiveness and exchange rate policy in ASEAN, Anveshak, 2008
Indias trade competitiveness and exchange rate policy,Margin- Journal of Applied Economic Research, 2008
The moderating role of industrial experience in the job satisfaction, intention to leave relationship, 2008
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2008
The Effectiveness of Decentralisation Reforms in the Philippines~s Forestry Sector, 2008
Ge oforum, 2008
Regional and global financial integration of the Gulf co-operation community countries, 2008
Journal of International Finance and Economics, 2008
Prospects for the Euro - Will reserve holdings shift in it favour, 2008
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2008
Open Access: The new frontier connecting the learning commons through to hassle-free and seamless scholarly communication, 2008
World Digital Libraries, 2008
Nature of current inflation in food prices, 2008
Economic and Political Weekly, 2008