Publication Year
Does stronger protection of intellectual property stimulate innovation?, 2012
Elsevier international journal of Economics Letters, 2012
Diversity in career systems: The role of employee work values, 2012
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Development of a measure of employee engagement, 2012
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Comparing the Importance of Luxury Value Perceptions in Cross-national Context, Journal of Business Research, 2011
-, 2011
An application of analytic network process for selection of a plant location: a case study, 2012
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2012
An application of analytic hierarchy process for the selection of a methodology to improve the product development process, 2012
Journal of Modelling in Management, 2012
Vertical Collaboration in the Semiconductor Industry: A Decision Framework for Supply Chain Relationships, 2011
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2011
Understanding employment relationship in Indian organizations through the lens of psychological contracts, 2011
Employee Relations, 33(5): 551-569, 2011
The Evolution of the Transport and Logistics Sector in Dubai, 2011
Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2011
Optimization of process parameters by Taguchi robust design method for the development of nano-crystals of sirolimus using sonication based crystallization, 2011
Crystal Research Technology, 2011
Issues and perspectives of business transformations in semiconductor industry supply chain: reviews and insights, 2011
International Journal of Business Insights and Transformations, 2011
Development of analytic network process for the selection of material handling systems in the design of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), 2011
Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2011
Design of lean manufacturing systems using value stream mapping with simulation - A case study, 2011
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2011
Analysis of Financial Statement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): A case of select Indian pharmaceutical companies, 2011
The Business Review, Cambridge, 2011
A re-conceptualization of career systems, its dimensions and proposed measures, 2011
Career Development International, 2011
WTO Negotiations on Agriculture & Developing Countries??, Anwarul Hoda & Ashok Gulati, 2010
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007., 2010
Technological Change and Employment Relations in India, 2010
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2010
Sustainability of tunnel wells in a changing agrarian context: A case study from South India, 2010
Agricultural Water Management, 2010
Perception-based Methods to Evaluate Conservation Impact in Forests Managed Through Popular Participation, 2010
Ecology & Society, 2010
Launching Enterprise Data Backup and Recovery Solutions: the Case of Ozonetel, 2010
Inderscience Journal of Tech Marketing, 2010
Curse or blessing? Local elites in Joint Forest Management in India~s Shiwaliks, 2010
International Journal of the Commons, 2010
Business-level Strategy and Performance The moderating effects of environment and structure, 2010
Management Decision, 2010
B-Schoolers Talk Budget, 2010
Business World (Online Edition), 2010
Application of Analytic Network Process for the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2010
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2010
The behavior of household and business investment over the business cycle, 2009
Economic Quarterly, 2009