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Journal Articles

Publication Year

The Moderating Role ofIndustrialExperience in the Job Satisfaction, Intention to Lean Relationship: An Empirical Study among Salesmen in India,Jornal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2007

Purani, K. & Sahadev, S.

Docile Oriental Women and the Organized Labour: A case study of the Indian garment industry, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2007

Chakravarty, D.

Docile Oriental Women and the Organized Labour: A case study of the Indian garment industry, Indian Journal of Gender Studies., 2007

Chakravarty, D.

Patent Licensing by a Standard Auction in Presence of Network Externality. The Manchester School, 2004

Sarkar, S.

Brand Paradigm and Strategies in Indian Market. Management and Labor Studies., 2004


Brand Placements in Hindi Films. ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management, 2004


Achieving downsizing Managerial perspective. Global Business Review., 2004

Noronha, E. and D Cruz, P.

Experiences with the health care system in the context of HIV/AIDS,Critical Public Health., 2004

D Cruz, P.

Digital Object Identifier (DOl): An ISBN for the 21 st Century. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 2003

Sunitha, T. & Sreejaya, P.

Reintegrating India with the World Economy by Srinivasan, T.N. and Tendulkar, S.D. Book Review. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 2004

Rameshan, P.

Understanding Trips: Managing Knowledge in Developing Countries by Rao, M.B. and Manjula, G. Book Review. Vikalpa: The Journalfor Decision Makers, 2003

Rameshan, P.

Branding India: Strategic Challenges and Possible Approaches. Advertising Express., 2004

Panda. ,T.K.

Integrating Human Resources with Business Strategy through Internal Marketing. Organizational Management, 2003

Panda, T,K.

Privatisation of Port and Dock Workers and its Impact on Labour. Labour File, 2004

Noronha, E.

Information Resources Management in the 21st century. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 2004

Gangatharan, M.

) Industrial Recovery: Is it sustainable? Debate. ICFA! Reader October, 61-66., 2003

Bhattacharyya, S., Bhattacharya, B.B., Singh, R. & Damodaran, S.

Vector-valued bivariate Gini Index for truncated distributions (Jointly with E.I.Abdul Sathar and M. Nair in Statistical Papers., 2005

Suresh, R. P., International Journal of E-business research., 2005

Sahadev, S. & Pongsak, H.

Probability of Bank Crises in Emerging Markets of Asia and South America, in: International Journal of Business Research., 2005

Nandakumar, P.

Asset Price Volatility and Consumer Price Inflation: Is there a predictive link?, in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics., 2005

Nandakumar, P

EMU Membership, Trade and Investment flows, together with B. Barot and C. Wague, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics., 2005

Nandakumar, P.

Knowledge Community: Integrating ICT into Social Development in Developing Economies AI&Society, Springer Verlag., 2005

Purani, K.

Corporate governance and performance of Indian firms: The effect of board size and ownership, Employee responsibilities and Rights Journal ,Vol. 17 issue (3)., 2005

Dwivedi, N., & Arun, K.I.

The mode of a Probability Mass Function, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology., 2005

Broca, D. S.

A Note on Skewness Coefficients, Teaching Statistics., 2005

Broca, D. S.
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