Publication Year
Netiquette: An exploratory study of actual usage and agreed upon norms in India., 2013
Scholars World IRMJCR, 2013
Exploratory study of three major cities of Kerala (India)., 2014
IIMS Journal of Management Science., 2014
State ownership, credit risk and bank competition: a mixed oligopoly approach., 2013
Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2013
Non-linearities in emerging financial markets: Evidence from India., 2013
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2013
E- Governance readiness: Challenges for India., 2013
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2013
Remote internet voting: developing a secure and efficient frontend., 2013
CSI Transactions on ICT, 2013
Secure and efficient scheme for remote poll station voting, 2013
International Journal of Electronic Government Research,, 2013
annealing based algorithm for the capacitated hub routing problem, 2013
International Journal of Services and Operations Management,, 2013
Effects of competitive psychological climate, work-family conflict, role conflict on customer orientation: the case of call center employees in India., 2014
Journal of Indian Business Research,, 2014
Conceptualising visual servicescape aesthetics: An application of environmental psychology, 2013
The Marketing Review, 2013
A model for cost-benefit analysis of cloud computing., 2013
Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2013
Managerial research on the pharmaceutical supply chain ? a critical review and some insights for future directions., 2014
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2014
Making sense of persistently high inflation in India, 2013
Economic and Political Weekly,, 2013
An isomorphism perspective to FDI-based entry mode strategies of emerging market firms ? a conceptual model, 2013
Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 2013
Examining the relationships among e-government maturity, corruption, economic prosperity and environmental degradation: A cross-country analysis., 2013
Information and Management, 2013
Artificial immune system based algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time window constraint for the delivery of agri-fresh produce, 2013
Journal of Decision Systems,, 2013
Agri-Fresh produce supply chain management: a state-of- the-art literature review., 2013
International Journal of Operations and Production Management,, 2013
Applicability of ARIMA models in wholesale vegetable market: an investigation, 2013
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 2013
Workplace spirituality as a precursor to relationship-oriented selling characteristics, 2013
Journal of Business Ethics, 2013
Launch of Roulette ? A Premium Brandy in India by JDPL, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2013
Private investment in education: evidence across castes and religion from West Bengal., 2014
Economic & Political Weekly, 2014
A New distribution-free control chart for joint monitoring of unknown location and scale parameters of continuous distributions., 2014
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2014
Estimation of traffic intensity based on queue length in a single M/M/1 queue, 2013
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,, 2013
Forest rights: the hard currency of REDD+, 2014
Conservation Letters,, 2014
Governance for private green spaces in a growing Indian city., 2014
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014