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Information Systems


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Contemporary Theories for Information Systems Research (Doctoral level)

Methods in Management Research (Doctoral level)

Qualitative Research II (Focus: Case Study Research; Doctoral level)

Topics in Information Systems Research (Doctoral level)

Hand-on with Meta-Analysis (How-MA; Doctoral level)

Social Media Analytics (SOMA; Post-Graduate and Executive Post-Graduate levels)

Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce; Post-Graduate level)

Significant Publications

"Engaging with deepfakes: A meta-synthesis from the perspective of social shaping of technology theory" in Internet Research

"The spread and impact of fake news on social media: A systematic literature review and future research agenda" in e-Service Journal

"ICT-Based Country-Level Determinants of Social Media Diffusion" in Information Systems Frontiers

"Deepfakes: An Integrative Review of the Literature and an Agenda for Future Research" in Communications of the Association for Information Systems

"Demystifying fake news in the hospitality industry: A systematic literature review, framework, and an agenda for future research" in International Journal of Hospitality Management

"Thinking outside the box helps build social connections: The role of creative mindsets in reducing daily rudeness" in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

"Can E-government Maturity Increase B2C E-Business Use? The roles of corruption and virtual social networks diffusion" in Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems

"Examining the Relationship between National Cybersecurity Commitment, Culture, and Digital Payment Usage: An Institutional Trust Theory Perspective" in Information Systems Frontiers

"The Role of ICT Laws and National Culture in Determining ICT Diffusion and Well-Being: A Cross-Country Examination" in Information Systems Frontiers

"Social Media as a Source of Citizens' Communicative Power: Relating Social Media Diffusion, E-participation, and Corruption" in Communications of the Association for Information Systems

"Ethical Behavior of Firms and B2C E-commerce Diffusion: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Customer Orientation and Innovation Capacity" in Communications of the Association for Information Systems

"When Leader Self-Care Begets Other Care: Leader Role Self-Compassion and Helping at Work" in Journal of Applied Psychology

The Role of CIOs and board’s IT competence on HIT investments


, Conference Papers, 2023

Why do consumers believe in brand-related fake news? Insights from a methodological juxtaposition of QCA and meta-synthes


, Conference Papers, 2023

Research Areas

Dark side of technology (e.g., cyberloafing, cyberbullying, and technostress)

Virtual social networks adoption and diffusion

E-government and e-business

ICT for sustainable development


IIMK Teaching Excellence Award 2022 

Best Reviewer, "E-Business on Digital and Mobile Platforms" track, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taipei and Sydney, 2022.

Outstanding Associate Editor, "Governance, Strategy, and Value of IS" track, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, 2019.

British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant 2019 Award (with two others) for the project titled "Complexity of Disaster Response: Impact of Digital Inequalities within Social Media Use among Survivors, Fishermen, and the State during Kerala Floods.” (Grant Reference: SRG19\191208; Funding Awarded: GBP9925)

Outstanding Associate Editor, "Human Behavior and IS" track, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea, 2017.

Security Watch India (SWI) 2015 Innovation and Excellence Award for Security and Policing for "Spider App," developed as a part of the Social Development Project by executive postgraduate students of IIM Kozhikode (EPGP 2013 - 2015 batch; Kochi campus).

Fellow, Junior Faculty Consortium, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand, 2014.

Alumni Icon Award, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, 2013.

Research Achievement Award for outstanding research performance in the academic year 2012 - 2013 by School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Recipient, Pacific Telecommunication Council (PTC) Young Scholar Program Award given in recognition of upcoming and outstanding scholars in the field of Information and Communication Technologies at Pacific Telecommunication Council (PTC) Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2013.

Finalist, Douglas Nigh Memorial Award for best division paper employing interdisciplinary perspective and authored by junior scholar, International Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2012.

Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2012.

Fellow, Academy of Management Organizational Communication and Information Systems (AOM-OCIS) Doctoral Consortium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2012. (Awarded National Science Foundation Travel Grant)

Dean's Graduate Research Excellence Award for outstanding research performance in the academic year 2011 - 2012 by School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore. (Award sponsored by Sun Microsystems/ECS Computers (Asia) Pte Ltd)

Research Achievement Award for outstanding research performance in the academic year 2010 - 2011 by School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Fellow, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Doctoral Consortium, Brisbane, Australia, 2011.

First Rank and University Gold Medal in recognition of having secured highest marks among 4129 candidates graduated in the Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) program on basis of performance in all the examinations held during 2003 - 2007, Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India.

Cav. Dr. G.K.D. Memorial Award in appreciation of the meritorious academic performance, Institution of Engineers, India, 2006.

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

IIMK Campus P. O, Kozhikode, Kerala, India,
PIN - 673 570


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