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Associate Professor
Finance, Accounting & Control

+91-495 2809676


  • Fellow (Finance & Accounting), IIM Indore


International Finance

Financial Management (Corporate Finance)

Management of Financial Institutions and markets

Significant Publications

Ekta Sikarwar (2024) Do currency interventions affect corporate hedging? firm-level evidence from India, Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2024.2331664

Ekta Sikarwar (2022), Determinants of Foreign exchange exposure during the COVID-19 crisis: A Multi-country evidence, Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2022.2120180

Sikarwar, Ekta (2022). Board attributes, hedging activities and exchange rate risk: Multi-country firm-level evidence, Economic Modelling, Vol. 110

Ekta Sikarwar (2021) Time-varying foreign currency risk of world tourism industry: effects of COVID-19, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1868413

Sikarwar, Ekta. (2020). Forex Interventions and Exchange Rate Exposure: Evidence from Emerging Market Firms, Economic Modelling, 93, 69-81

Sikarwar, E. and Gupta, R. (2019), 'Economic exposure to exchange rate risk and financial hedging', Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 46 No. 4, pp. 965-984.

Sikarwar, E. and Nidugala, Ganesh (2018). Ownership Structure, Hedging incentives and exchange rate exposure. International Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 9(1), pp 52-72

Sikarwar, Ekta (2018). Exchange rate fluctuations and firm value: impact of global financial crisis. Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 45 (6), 1145-1158

Sikarwar, E. and Nidugala, Ganesh (2018). Effect of Central Bank Intervention in Estimating Exchange Rate Exposure: Evidence from an Emerging Market. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol. 17 (1), 1-36

Gupta, R.K., Mishra, S.K. & Sikarwar E. (2018). Linking Leader-Follower Proactive Personality Congruence to Creativity. Personnel Review. Vol. 48 No. 2, pp. 454-470

Sikarwar, E. and Gupta, V.K. (2016). Value Creation & Information Content of EVA and Traditional Accounting Measures. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,Vol. 65 (4), 436-459

Sikarwar, E. (2014). A Re-examination of Exchange Rate Exposure: Industry Level Analysis of Indian Firms. Global Business Review, Vol. 15(4), 867-882.

Kanagaraj, A. & Sikarwar, E. (2011). A Firm level analysis of the exchange rate exposure of Indian firms. Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, Vol. 1(4), 163-184

Effect of Foreign Exchange Interventions on Corporate Hedging Activities: Evidence from Indian Firms , Working Paper, 2022

Current Issues in Tourism , Journal Articles, 2021

Economic Modelling , Journal Articles, 2022

Impact of hedge accounting under IFRS 9 on risk management


, Conference Papers, 2024

Research Areas

Exchange rate risk exposure

Corporate Governance

Central bank intervention

International Finance

Conferences, Seminars & Talks

Sikarwar, E.2017. Exchange Rate Exposure and Impact of Global Financial Crisis - The Case of an Emerging Market. Paper accepted in the 59th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, East Lansing MI: Academy of International Business

Sikarwar, E. (2016).Family Ownership and Exchange Rate Exposure: New Evidence from an Emerging Market , in R. Mudambi and T. Kiyak (eds.) Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, East Lansing MI: Academy of International Business.

Sikarwar, E. 2016.Family Ownership as Governance Mechanism and Exchange rate exposure. Paper presented at 4rd PAN-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Ahmedabad

Sikarwar, E. 2015. Firm-level Internal Governance and Exchange Rate Exposure: New evidence from India. Proceedings of 75th annual meeting of Academy of Management, USA. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2015.16953abstract

Sikarwar, E. (2013) ? Foreign Exchange Exposure and its Determinants in Emerging Markets: Firm Level Evidence from India?, in P. McDougall-Covin and T. Kiyak (eds.) Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, East Lansing MI: Academy of International Business, p 192.

Sikarwar, E. 2013. The Unanticipated Sources of Exchange Rate Exposure and Hedging Activities of Indian Firms. 6th Doctoral Colloquium, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India

Sikarwar, E. & Gupta, V.K. 2013. Value Creation & Information Content of EVA and Traditional Accounting Measures. 35th All India Accounting Conference,All India Accounting Association

Sikarwar, E. 2012. The Unanticipated Exchange Rate Exposure and Hedging at Firm Level: Evidence from India. India Finance Conference, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India

Sikarwar, E. (2011). [Review of the book Currency Exposures and Derivatives: Risk, Hedging, Speculation and Accounting- A Corporate Treasurer?s Handbook by A. V. Rajwade]. Vision, 15(3). DOI: 10.1177/097226291101500308


2020- British Academy of Management-Best Developmental Paper Award in the Corporate Governance Track

2019-Awarded Director-s medal for significant research contributions in finance at TAPMI

2015-Selected as one of the finalists for IM Division Best Paper Award in AOM 2015 annual meeting

2003-Awarded for securing highest marks in Graduation

1998-Director-s Gold medal for securing highest marks in High School

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

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