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Arnab Adhikari

Arnab Adhikari

Assistant Professor (Grade I)
Quantitative Methods and Operations Management



  • Ph.D., Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Specialization: Operations Management)  (2010-2016)
  • B. Tech, National Institute of Technology Durgapur (Specialization: Electronics and Communication Engineering) (2003-2007)


Significant Publications

Adhikari, A., Basu, S., & Avittathur, B. (2025). Greening Innovation, Advertising, and Pricing Decisions under Competition and Market Coverage. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144951.(ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-2)

Singh, S. P., Sharma, A., & Adhikari, A. (2024). Investigating the barriers to drone implementation in sustainable agriculture: A hybrid fuzzy-DEMATEL-MMDE-ISM-based approach. Journal of Environmental Management371, 123299. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3)

Singh, S. P., Adhikari, A., Jha, A. K., Sachan, A., & Kundu, S. (2023). Fairness-concerned greening and pricing strategies under competitions and different channel leaderships. Industrial Marketing Management115, 484-509.  (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-3).

Joshi, R., Basu, S., Rosales, C., & Adhikari, A. (2023). Influenza vaccine contracts in developing nations—Coordination, flexibility, and vaccine coverage. Decision Sciences. (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-3). 

Nandankar, S., Sachan, A., Adhikari, A., & Mukherjee, A. (2023). Developing and validating e-marketplace service quality model in B2G e-commerce settings: a mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-4)

Adhikari, A., Joshi, R., & Basu, S. (2023). Collaboration and coordination strategies for a multi-level AI-enabled healthcare supply chain under disaster. International Journal of Production Research, 1-27. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3).

Singh, S. P., Dash, B. P., Sachan, A., & Adhikari, A. (2023). Price or quality? Consumers' preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for online food delivery services in the COVID-19 era. The TQM Journal. (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

Nandankar, S., Sachan, A., Mukherjee, A., & Adhikari, A. (2023). Electronic service quality (e-SQ) measurement: a cross-functional review. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management40(1), 148-168. (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

Basu, D., & Adhikari, A. (2023). Using profits to re-estimate efficiency of internal capital markets. IIMB Management Review35(3), 215-228. (ABDC-B).

Adhikari, A., Kundu, T., & Jha, A. K. (2023). Collaboration Strategies for Private COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Under Demand Uncertainty: An Indian Perspective. Global Business Review, 09721509221142370. (ABDC-C, ABS/AJG-1).

Paul, S., Adhikari, A., & Bose, I. (2022). White knight in dark days? Supply chain finance firms, blockchain, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Information & Management59(6), 103661. (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-3).

Singh, S. P., Adhikari, A., Majumdar, A., & Bisi, A. (2022). Does Service Quality Influence Operational and Financial Performance of Third Party Logistics Service Providers? A Mixed Multi Criteria Decision Making-Text Mining-based Investigation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 157, 102558.   (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-3).

Sinha, A., Sharif, A., Adhikari, A., & Sharma, A. (2022). Dependence structure between Indian financial market and energy commodities: a cross-quantilogram based evidence. Annals of Operations Research313(1), 257-287. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3).

Adhikari, A., Sharma, M., Basu, S., & Jha, A. K. (2022). Uniform or spatially differentiated? Pricing Strategies for Information Goods under simultaneous and sequential decision-making in multi-market context. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services64, 102832. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-2)

Sinha, A., Adhikari, A., & Jha, A. K. (2022). Innovational duality and sustainable development: finding optima amidst socio-ecological policy trade-off in post-COVID-19 era. Journal of Enterprise Information Management35(1), 295-320. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-2)

Singh, S. P., Kundu, T., Adhikari, A., & Basu, S. (2022). A Joint Weighting and Modified Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment-based Methodology for the Measurement of Patient Satisfaction: Evidence from Indian Healthcare. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 29 (1-2). 5-22.  (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

Adhikari, A., Bhattacharyya, S., Basu, S., & Bhattacharya, R. (2022). Evaluating the performance of primary schools in India: evidence from West Bengal. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management71(7), 2630-2658. (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

 Majumdar, A., & Adhikari, A. (2021). An integrated TOPSIS-MOORA-based performance evaluation methodology for the key service providers in sharing economy: case of Airbnb superhosts. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(2), 600-620.   (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

Adhikari, A., Bisi, A., & Avittathur, B. (2020). Coordination mechanism, risk sharing, and risk aversion in a five-level textile supply chain under demand and supply uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research282(1), 93-107.   (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-4)

Adhikari, A., & Bisi, A. (2020). Collaboration, bargaining, and fairness concern for a green apparel supply chain: An emerging economy perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review135, 101863. (ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-3)

Adhikari, A., Majumdar, A., Gupta, G., & Bisi, A. (2020). An innovative super-efficiency data envelopment analysis, semi-variance, and Shannon-entropy-based methodology for player selection: evidence from cricket. Annals of Operations Research284(1), 1-32. (ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3)

Adhikari, A., Basu, S., Biswas, I., Banerjee, A., & Sengupta, P. P. (2018). A route efficiency analysis using Shannon entropy-based modified DEA method and route characteristics investigation for urban bus transport in India. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research56(3), 332-359. (ABDC-B, ABS/AJG-1)

Adhikari, A., & Paul, S. (2018). An Analytical Modelling Approach for Assessing the Impact of Competition on a Homogenous Product Firm’s Investment Decision in Innovation. Global Business Review19(3_suppl), S39-S53.  (ABDC-C, ABS/AJG-1).

Adhikari, A., Biswas, I., & Bisi, A. (2016). Case—ABCtronics: Manufacturing, Quality Control, and Client Interfaces. INFORMS Transactions on Education17(1), 26-33. (ABS/AJG-2)

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