Implications of technology on work, Leadership Development
Humalistic Leadership Academy - HLA Cohort Facilitator, Oct - Dec 2024
Keynote address on Adaptive Leadership: Lessons from the life of Nelson Mandela at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Dialogues (ICID-2024) organized by Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth.
Jain, A., Kondayya, A., Sivashankar, A. 2024. Temporal and spatial ambidexterity: How uncertainty aids leader development. Paper presented at 40th EGOS Colloquium, University of Milan, Italy (July 2024).
Ahuja, P., Jain, A., Mukhopadhyay, S. 2024. Making remote at scale effective. Paper presented at 40th EGOS Colloquium, University of Milan, Italy (July 2024).
Jain, A., Ahuja, P. 2024. Creating a culture of caring and accountability in remote work. Paper presented at INDAM 2024 Conference, GIM Goa (January 2024).
Sinha, P., Arora, B., Jain, A., & Budhwar, P. 2021. MNE Subsidiary CSR in Host Country: Strategies, Legitimacy and Outcomes. Paper presented at the 16th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference – CRRC (October 2021).
Jain, A., Huy, Q. N., Guo, Y., Pandey, R.S., & Wang, E. 2021. Enacting sequences of collective emotions to deal with challenges in an intrapreneurial process: Insights from a group attempting peripheral innovation in a health care organization. Paper presented at the 12th International Process Symposium - PROS (September 2021).
Guo, Y., Huy, Q. N., Wang, E., Jain, A., & Pandey, R.S. 2019. Compassion Organizing under Resource Scarcity: Providing Free Quality Health Care in India. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (August 2019).
Jain, A., & Srinivasan, V. 2018. Implications of automation on work at multiple positions in organizations. Paper presented at 6th Pan IIM World Management Conference, IIM Bangalore (December 2018).
Jain, A. 2018. Sociomateriality and Automation of work. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA (August 2018).
Jain, A., & Srinivasan, V. 2018. Implications of Digital Automation Technologies on Work Design. Paper presented at the AOM Specialized Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Surrey, United Kingdom (April 2018).
InsideIIM Professor of The Year at IIM Rohtak for academic years 2020-2021 and 2019-2020.
Best Doctoral Paper (OB&HRM) at 6th Pan IIM World Management Conference, 2018.
Bharti Scholarship for Academic Excellence, FMS Delhi, 2010.