Inconsistent performance feedback and firm internationalization: Can CEOs remove the haze? (2025), Journal of World Business, 101625, [ABDC-A*], [co-authored]
Impact of TMT structural power asymmetry on family firm internationalization. (2023). International Business Review, 32, 102134 [ABDC-A],[co-authored]
The role of founder CEO and independent board in family firms' international growth: evidence from India and Italy. (2023). Cross Culture & Strategic Management,30(4), 704-732,[ABDC-B], [co-authored]
Ordinary capabilities and firm performance: The role of capital market development. (2024). Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41, 233-274,[ABDC-A] ,[co-authored]
Dozee: crafting opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023). The Case Journal,19(1),57-75,[co-authored]