2019-2021: Chair, Quantitative Methods & Operations Management Area
Member of IEEE
Member of American Statistical Association
Ph.D Core: Probability & Statistics
EPGP Elective: Predictive Analytics
PGP Core: Data Analysis
PGP & PGP-BL Elective: Data Analytics using R
Ph.D Elective: Linear Algebra and Linear Optimization
Ph.D & Ph.D (PT) Elective: Statistical Learning with R
Ph.D Elective: Statistical Inference with R
Chakrabarty, J. B., Roy, S. and Chowdhury, S. (2022). On the economic design of optimal sampling plan under accelerated life test setting, accepted for publication at International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
Roy, S. and Pradhan, B. (2022). Inference for Log-location-scale Family of Distributions under Competing Risks with Progressive Type-I Interval Censored Data. Statistica Neerlandica, available at http://doi.org/10.1111/stan.12282.
Puram, P., Roy, S., Srivastav, D. and Gurumurthy, A. (2022). Understanding the effect of contextual factors and decision making on team performance in Twenty20 cricket: an interpretable machine learning approach. Annals of Operations Research, available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-05027-1.
Roy, S., Pradhan, B. and Purakayastha, A. (2022). On inference and design under progressive type-I interval censoring scheme for inverse Gaussian lifetime model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 39, 1937–1962.
Chakrabarty, J. B., Chowdhury, S. and Roy, S (2021). Optimum reliability acceptance sampling plan using Type-I generalized hybrid censoring scheme for products under warranty. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 38, 780-799.
Chakrabarty, J. B., Chowdhury, S. and Roy, S (2019). Optimum Life Test Plan for Type-I Hybrid Censored Weibull Distributed Products sold under General Rebate Warranty. International Journal of Production Research. 58, 5693-5706.
Roy, S. and Pradhan, B. (2019). Bayesian C-optimal Life Testing Plans under Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Scheme. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 70:299-314
Roy, S. (2018). Bayesian Accelerated Life Test Plans for Series Systems with Weibull Component Lifetimes. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 62: 383-403.
Roy, S. and Pradhan, B. (2017). Bayesian optimum life testing plans under progressive Type-I interval censoring scheme. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 33:2727-2737.
Roy, S., Pradhan, B. and Gijo, E. V. (2017). Estimation of P (X < Y ) for generalized half logistic distribution based on Type-II censored data. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 34:1111-1122.
Roy, S., Gijo, E. V. and Pradhan, B. (2017). Inference based on progressive Type-I interval censored data from log-normal distribution. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 46:6495-6512
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2016). Bayesian D-Optimal ALT Plans for Series Systems with Competing Exponential Causes of Failure. Journal of Applied Statistics. 43:1-17.
Mukhopadhyay, C. and Roy, S. (2016). Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing under Competing Log-Location-Scale Family of Causes of Failure. Computational Statistics. 31: 89-119
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2015). Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Multi-Stress ALT Data of Series Systems with Competing Log-Normal Causes of Failure. Journal of Risk and Reliability, 229:119-130.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2014). Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 43:2429-2451
Pradhan, B., Roy, S. and Anis, M.J. (2014). Inference for the Component and System Lifetime Distribution of a k-unit parallel system based on system data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 43, 45-61.
Bandyopadhayay, A., Roy, S. and Ghosh, D. (2013). Forecasting Day- Ahead Price of Electricity- A Dynamic Regression Approach. International Journal of Business Excellence, 6, 584-604.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2013). Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing under Competing Exponential Causes of Failure. In B. John, U.H. Acharya, A. K. Chakraborty (Eds.), Quality and Reliability Engineering-Recent Trends and Future Directions (pp. 229-245). Allied Publishers.
Ghosh, S., Roy, S. and Chakraborty, A.K. (2013). Determining Optimum Software Release Time with Euler Distribution as Prior for the Number of Undis- covered Bugs. In B. John, U.H. Acharya, A. K. Chakraborty (Eds.), Quality and Reliability Engineering-Recent Trends and Future Directions (pp. 302-312). Allied Publishers.
Volkswagen Emission Scandal: The Stock in Smokes , Case Studies, 2022
Applied Machine Learning
Frequentist & Bayesian Statistical Inference
Reliability & Survival Analysis
Optimal Experimental Design
Statistical Computing
Roy S. (2021). 'Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure'. POMS India International Conference, held during Dec 22-nd to 24-th, 2021, held at SPJIMR, Mumbai, India.
Roy, S. (2021). 'Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure'. POMS India International Conference, held during Dec 22-nd to 24-th, 2021, held at SPJIMR, Mumbai, India.
Roy, S. (2021). 'Bayesian Analysis of Progressive Type-I Interval Censored Data Sets under Competing Log-location-scale Family of Causes of Failure.' XXIV Annual International Society of Operations Management Conference, held during Nov 12-th to 15th, 2021, organized by XLRI Jamshedpur, India.
Roy. S. (2020). 'Statistical Analysis of Progressive Type-I Interval Censored Data under Competing Risks.' Accepted for MCQMC 2020 Conference (now online), to be held during Aug 10-th to 14-th, 2020, organized by Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, UK.
Roy. S. (2020). 'Inference Based on Progressive Type-I Interval Censored Data.' ISGES 2020 Conference, held during Jan 2nd to 4-th, 2020, at the Department of Statistics & Centre for Advanced Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India.
Roy. S. (2019). 'Inference based on progressive type-i interval censored data with competing risks.' IISA 2019 Conference, held during Dec 27-th to 30-th, 2019, at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Roy, S. (2018). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Test Plans under Competing Dependent Causes of Failure.' XXII Annual International Society of Operations Management Conference, held during Dec 20-th to 22-nd, 2018, at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kozhikode, India.
Roy, S. (2017). 'Bayesian c-optimal progressive type-I interval censoring schemes for Weibull system lifetimes.' XXI Annual International Society of Operations Management Conference, held during Dec 21-st to 23-rd, 2017, at Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India.
Roy, S. and Pradhan, B. (2016). 'Bayesian D-optimal Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes.' XX Annual International Society of Operations Management Conference, held during Dec 22-nd to 24-th, 2016, at ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India.
Roy, S. (2015). 'Inference and Optimum Life Testing Plans for Lognormal Distribution under Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring.' International Indian Statistical Association Conference, held during Dec 20-th to 24-th, 2015, Pune, India.
Roy, S. (2015). 'Accelerated Life Testing of Two-component Series Systems with Dependent Causes of Failure.' International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-First Century, held during Dec 17-th to 19-th, 2015, organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India.
Roy, S. (2015). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Test Plans for Series Systems under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure.' XIX Annual International Society of Operations Management Conference, held during Dec 11-th to 13-th, 2015, at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
Roy, S. (2015). 'Accelerated Life Testing and Related Topics.' Invited Lecture in CEP Course on 'Environmental Evaluation Techniques' in DRDO, held during 2-6 Feb, Bangalore, India.
Roy, S. (2015). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing under Competing Log-location-scale Family of Causes of Failure.' Research Scholars? Meet on Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis and Related Topics, January 22nd to 23rd, organized by SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2014). 'MCMC for Bayesian analysis of accelerated life testing data of series systems.' Eleventh International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, MCQMC2014, April 6?-?11, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2013). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing of Series Systems.' Research Scholars? Meet on Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis and Related Topics, February 26-th to 28-th, organized by SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2013). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing under Competing Weibull Causes of Failure.' nternational Indian Statistical Association Conference: Statistics, Science, and Society: New Challenges and Opportunities, January 2-nd to 5-th, Chennai, India.
Roy, S. (2012). 'Accelerated Life Testing.' CEP Course on Trends in Environmental Engineering Evaluation and Practices, organized by Electronics & Radar Development Establishment, Defence Research and Development Organization, September 24-th to 28-th, Bangalore, India.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2012). 'Accelerated Life Testing of Series Systems.' Joint Meeting of y-BIS- International Young Business and Industrial Statisticians and jSPE- Young Portuguese Statisticians, held during July 23-rd to 26-th, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2011). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing of Series Systems.' International Conference on Advances in Probability and Statistics - Theory and Applications: A Celebration of N. Balakrishnan?s 30 years of Contributions to Statistics, December 28-th to 31-st, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China.
Roy, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C. (2011). 'Bayesian Accelerated Life Testing Under Competing Exponential Causes of Failure.' International Conference on Quality & Reliability Engineering, December 20-th to 22-nd, 2011, organized by SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, India.
Chakraborty, A.K. and Ghosh, S. and Roy, S. (2011). 'Determining Optimum Software Release Time with Euler Distribution as Prior for the Number of Undiscovered Bugs.' International Conference on Quality & Reliability Engineering, December 20-th to 22-nd, organized by SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, India.
Roy, S. (2010). 'Lifetime Data Analysis.' CEP Course on Environmental Engineering, organized by Electronics & Radar Development Establishment, Defence Research and Development Organization,November 8-th to 12-th, Bangalore, India.
Prof. U. S. Nair Best Paper Presentation Award in International Conference on 'Statistics for Twenty-First Century' organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India during Dec 17-th to 19-th, 2015
Support from International Statistical Institute for the IISA Chennai Conference and R-workshop participation
Ranked Second in M.Tech (QROR).
Received National Scholarship at the Secondary Stage for Talented Children in Rural Areas
Soumyadeep Kundu and Soumya Roy. India’s EV ambition rides on three wheels. Published by The Hindu on 1st June 2022 (web: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/indias-ev-ambition-rides-on-three-wheels/article65480119.ece).