Subramanian, S. (2016). A Comparison of Corporate Governance Practices in State Owned Enterprises and Their Private Sector Peers in India, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, Vol 5, No.2, pp 200-216
Subramanian, S. (2016). Proxy Advisory Industry in India. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(2): pp 371-378
Subramanian.S and Reddy.V.N (2012), Corporate Governance Disclosures and International Competitiveness: A study of Indian Firms, Asian Business & Management, Vol. 11, 2, pp 195-218.
Subramanian.S and Reddy.V.N (2010), Relationship between Voluntary Disclosures and International Competition, The Decision, Vol.37, No.2, pp 31-50
Subramanian.S (2008) ‘The Knowledge Company’ a chapter in a book titled ‘Entrepreneurship development- Cases on Indian Change Agents’ edited by.K.Ramachandran, Professor, Indian School of Business (ISB) Hyderabad and Published by Tata Mc Graw Hill
Vedpuriswar.A.V. , Subramanian.S and Kaul.V (2004) Coming up short on Disclosures, Indian Management, Vol.43, No.8, pp 60-66.
Socioemotional wealth in Indian Family Business Group - Tata Saga , Working Paper, 2022
Mutual funds’ group connections and proxy voting – A study of Indian business group sponsored fund houses , Working Paper, 2022
Splitting the century old TVS Group- The Family Arrangement , Case Studies, 2022
Corporate Governance and Competitiveness
International Business
A case study titled "Scope e-Knowledge Center- won the Best Case award in the Case Chase competition conducted at "Indian School of Business- (ISB), Hyderabad in April 2005.