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Associate Professor
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources

+91-495 2809259





Organizational Behaviour

Creativity and Innovation

Significant Publications

Gupta RK (Co-Authored) (2021). Virtual charismatic leadership and signaling theory: A prospective meta-analysis in five countries. The Leadership Quarterly, 101541. ABDC A*

Gupta, R. K. (Co-authored) (2022). Effects of confidence and social benefits on consumers’ extra-role and in-role behaviors: A social identity and social exchange perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65, 102879. ABDC A Volume - 65

Gupta RK & Kaushik K (2022) Linking text characteristics of ideas to their popularity in online user innovation communities. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 136, 107382 ABDC A Volume - 136

Roopak, K., Mishra, S. K., & Sikarwar, E. (2018). Linking leader–follower proactive personality congruence to creativity. Personnel Review. ABDC A

Gupta, R. K. (2021)(Co-authored) Leadership-promoted diversity climate and group identification. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. ABDC B Volume - 42 Issue - 7

Gupta R. K. (2020) (Co-authored) Transformational Leadership: Role of the Public Administration Training Institutes. Springer Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,

Gupta, R.K, Mishra S.K, & Sikarwar, E. (2018-DOI 10.1108/PR-11-2017-0332). Effect of leader-follower proactive personality congruence on creativity. Personnel Review (ABDC –A)

The Future of Work and the Paradigm Shift: People and Productivity in a Hybrid Era. Co-authored(2023)

Ethical leadership and Complexity of Innovative Work Behavior: The mediating moderating mechanism , Working Paper, 2022

Computers in Human Behavior , Journal Articles, 2022

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , Journal Articles, 2022

Research Areas

Innovative behaviour

Individual Differences

Corporate / Public Sector Leadership

Proactive Personality,


Conferences, Seminars & Talks

Gupta, R. K. & Mishra S.K. (2018). Effect of Follower-Supervisor Proactive Personality (In-) Congruence on Idea Implementation. Accepted for presentation in 77th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA during 10th -14th August.

Gupta, R.K. (2018). I am like my Supervisor: Effect of Leader-follower Proactive Personality congruence on Creativity. Accepted for presentation in 77th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA during 10th -14th August

Gupta, R.K. (2018). I am like my Supervisor: Effect of Leader-follower Proactive Personality congruence on idea implementation: Mediating role of creativity. Presented at 4th Israel Organizational Behaviour Conference (IOBC), at Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv, Israel held on 3rd -6th January.

Gupta, R. K. (2017). Linkage between idea generation and idea implementation: Role of Role breadth self-efficacy. Presented at 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA held on 4th -8th August.

Gupta, R. K. & Kaushik, K. (2016). Impact of Idea popularity in online idea generation community: A case of Starbuck my idea platform. Presented at the fourth Pan-IIM World Management Conference held on 13th -15th December at IIM Ahmedabad, India.

Gupta, R. K. (2016). Innovative work behaviour (IWB): Linkage between Idea Generation and Idea Implementation, presented at Management Doctoral Colloquium and VGSOM research scholars day, held on 10th -11th February at IIT Kharagpur, India.

Gupta, R. K. & Mishra S.K. (2015). Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB): Linkage between Idea Generation and Idea Implementation, presented at IMRDC, 2015, held on 22nd -23rd December, IIM Bangalore, India.

Gupta, R. K. (2015). Unlocking the ambidexterity of innovative work behaviour: Role of organisational routines and ambidextrous Corporate / Public Sector Leadership, Presented at 31st EGOS Colloquium 2015, held on 2nd -4th June in Athens, Greece.

Gupta, R. K. (2015). Future work selves (FWS) of employees for innovative work behaviour (IWB): Role of organisational routines and ambidextrous Corporate / Public Sector Leadership, in the session Multiple paths to innovation and creativity, held at Eastern Academy of Management, 8th -11th May in Philadelphia, USA, published in the proceedings of the conference

Gupta, R. K. (2014). Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB) of Employees: Exploring the role of thriving and pro-social motivation in the relationship between LMX and IWB, held at 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) conference, held on 3rd -5th December, University Technology, Sydney (UTS).

Gupta, R. K. & Sikarwar, E. (2013). Customer satisfaction in domestic airlines services in India: A case of Indigo Airlines, Proceedings of 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging economies, held on 9th -11th January Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, p 310.


Co-Principal Investigator (with Brittany Ernst, Andrew Loignon, Luis Arciniega, Katherine Frear, Guler Courtney and George banks). Almighty Charisma? The Effects of Charismatic Corporate / Public Sector Leadership on Follower Performance in Virtual, Cross-Cultural Interactions”, from Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) foundation in Small grant. Total amount: $3500 Funding Period: 2018-2020

Best Paper Award in Organizational Behavior Track at INDAM 2020 conference at IIM trichy

2019-Awarded Director-s medal for significant research contributions in OB at TAPMI

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