Professor, IIM Kozhikode (2008-Till date)
Associate Professor, IIM Kozhikode (2002-2008)
Kent Ridge Digital Labs (Currently known as Institute for Infocomm Research), Singapore (1995-2001)
Tata Elxsi India (Pvt) Ltd., Bangalore (1993-95)
Head - Centre for Digital Innovation & Transformation, IIM Kozhikode (2021- )
Dean - Administration, IIM Kozhikode (2014- 2016)
Dean - Academic Administration, IIM Kozhikode (2011- 2014)
PGP Chairperson, IIM Kozhikode (2009-11)
Chairman, Centre of Excellence, IIM Kozhikode (2002-8). Currently it is known as Centre for Research & Education in Social Transformation (CREST), an autonomous institution under the Govt. of Kerala.
Chairperson, IT & Systems Area, IIM Kozhikode (2002-9)
Refereed Journal Publications
Parvathi Jayaprakash & Radhakrishna Pillai (2022). The role of ICT and effect of national culture on economic growth. Information Technology for Development, 28:2, 420-442.
Jayaprakash, P., Radhakrishna Pillai, R (2021). The Role of ICT for sustainable development: A cross-country analysis. The European Journal of Development Research. 34, 225–247.
Parvathi Jayaprakash & R Radhakrishna Pillai (2021). The role of ICT and effect of national culture on human development. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 24:3, 183-207.
Nanath, K., Radhakrishna Pillai, R. (2021) Towards a framework for sustaining Green IT initiatives: an empirical investigation. Inf Technol Manag 22, 193–206 (2021).
Nanath K, Pillai RR (2020), Individual and organizational factors affecting the implementation of Green IT: a case study of an Indian business school. Electron J Inf Syst Dev Ctries 87(3):1–15.
Jayaprakash, P., & Pillai, R. R. (2020). Assessing the business dimensions of green IT transformation: a case of an Indian IT organisation. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 19(1), 68-90.
R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2020), Corporate Spiritual and Social Responsibility Through Balance of Digitization and Divinization, 3D-IBA Journal of Management and Leadership, 11 (2).
Krishnadas, N., & Pillai, R. (2017), "The influence of Green IS implementation on Competitive advantage: Mediation Role of Green Innovation Performance", Information Systems Management, 34(1), 3-19.
Pillai, RR. (2016), "The Complementary Role of Science, Spirituality & Ethics for a New World Order - The Golden Age", Nitte Management Review, 10(1), 1-19.
R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2016), Equanimity: An Essential Divine Virtue for Decision Making, Journal of Nehru School of Management - Special Issue on Realm of Management in Bhagavad Gita (Dec 2016), 19-25
Jayaprakash, P., & Pillai, R. R., (2016). An Integrated Model for E-waste Management in India Using Systems Thinking. Management and Labour Studies, 41(1), 45-57
Pillai, RR., Anil Kumar G., & Nanath K. (2015) "Role of Self Managing Leadership in Crisis Management: An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Rajayoga", IIMK Society & Management Review, 4(1), 15-37.
Joffi Thomas, R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2015), Globalizing Indian Thought: Is there an “Indian Way of Management?” or Is there a possibility of developing one? IIMK Society & Management Review, 4(1), vii-ix.
Nanath, K., & Pillai, R. (2014), " Green Information Technology: Literature Review and Research Domains", Journal of Management Systems, 24(1), 57-79
Nanath, K., & Pillai, R. (2013). "A Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing". Journal of International Technology & Information Management, 22(3), 93-117
Zhou, L., Chan, P. S., & Pillai, R. R. (2002). Effect of TCP/LLC protocol interaction in GPRS networks. Computer Communications, 25(5), 501-506.
R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2001), “A Distributed Overload Control Algorithm for Delay Bounded Call Setup, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2001, pp. 780-789.
Pillai, R. R., & Patnam, M. K. (2001). A method to improve the robustness of MPEG video applications over wireless networks. Computer Communications, 24(14), 1452-1459.
Tan, H. K., Pillai, R. R., Tham, C. K., Wong, L., & Biswas, J. (2000). Impact of ATM cell delay on multimedia applications. Computer Communications, 23(13), 1215-1222.
RANGANATH, M., PILLAI, R., LEE, K., & THAM, C. (2000). The implementation and performance evaluation of handoff in a CORBA-based WATM signalling system. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 80(3), 225.
Gutiérrez, J. A., Sheridan, D. P., & Pillai, R. R. (2000). A Framework and Lightweight Protocol for Multimedia Network Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 8, 33-48.
Pillai, R. R., Rangnath, M., Agrawal, R., & Wang, W. (2000). Distributed control of wireless ATM networks using CORBA. Computer Communications, 23(5-6), 595-604.
R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Jit Biswas, and Utpal Mukherji (1999), “Throughput Performance of Distributed Applications in Switched Networks in Presence of End-system Bottlenecks", Jl. of Telecommunications Systems, 12(4), pp. 369-387.
Pillai, R. R., Biswas, J., Tham, C. K., & Long, S. K. (1999). Call performance studies on the ATM forum UNI signalling implementations. Computer Communications, 22(5), 463-469.
Pillai, R. R., & Biswas, J. (1997). PVC management system for the Singapore national high-speed ATM testbed. Computer communications, 20(15), 1365-1373.
Biswas, J., & Pillai, R. R. (1997). A Model ATM Network and APIs for Service Management on an ATM Network. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 5(3), 301-327.
Pillai, R. R., Mukherji, U., Adiseshu, H., & Sharma, V. (1993). Distributed queue dual bus Metropolitan area network: a review of performance analysis of the medium access control protocol. IETE Journal of Research, 39(2), 111-124.
Pillai, R. R., Hardi, A., & Selvarajan, A. (1992). Improving fault detection and reliability in FDDI networks. Computer Communications, 15(9), 586-592.
Pillai, R. R., Babu, C. N., & Selvarajan, A. (1992). Distributed Bandwidth Management in FDDI Networks with Multiple Isochronous Services. IETE Journal of Research, 38(4), 202-208.
Pillai, R. R., Yadav, P., Madhusudhan, R., Poornima, B., Viswanathan, T., & Raju, M. (1990). Design and Implementation of a Pilot ISDN. IETE Journal of Research, 36(5-6), 456-462.
Book Chapters
R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2021), Yoga for Managerial Effectiveness – A Review of Various Interpretations of “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam”, in Globalizing Indian Thought, Debashis Chatterjee, Deepa Sethi, Surya Prakash Pati, Eds. Sage, 2021)
Jayaprakash, P., & Pillai, R. R. (2018). Role of Indian ICT Organisations in Realising Sustainable Development Goals through Corporate Social Engagement. In: Kar A., Sinha S., Gupta M. (eds) Digital India. Advances in Theory and Practice of Emerging Markets (pp. 49-65). Springer, Cham.
L. L. Ramachandran, M. P. Sebastian, and R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2017), Harnessing the Digital Marketplace in India: Revolutionary Growth, Challenges and Opportunities, in Digital Marketplaces Unleashed, Eds., Editors: Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia, Schneider, Ralf, Zaddach, Michael, p. 839-854, Springer 2017)
Parvathi Jayaprakash and R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2016), Sustainable ICT Practices and CSR: An Analysis of Indian Scenario, in Corporate Social Responsibility, BS Sahay, Satyasiba Das, Bhasker Chatterjee, Gayatri Subramanian, R Venkata Rao Eds., Bloomsbury, 2016.
Nanath, Krishnadas & Pillai, Radhakrishna. (2014). Information Systems Flexibility for Green Technologies. In Organisational Flexibility and Competitiveness (pp.181-195), Springer India.
N. Krishnadas & R. Radhakrishna Pillai (2013) Cloud Computing Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Study, In Principles, Methodologies, and Service-Oriented Approaches for Cloud Computing, IGI Global.
Chapter on Infrastructure-Communications in the Kerala State Development Report, published by the planning commission of India (2005)
Refereed Conference Publications
Exploring the Relationship Between “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” and “Satyam, Nityam, Purnam, 3rd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2022), 1-3 Dec. 2022.
Synergy between digital transformation and sustainability – An exploratory study in the container shipping industry, 3rd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2022), 1-3 Dec. 2022. (Jointly with Sarath Chandran)
Comparative Performance of Baseline Machine Learning Classifiers for Denial-of-Service Intrusion Detection, 3rd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2022), 1-3 Dec. 2022. (Jointly with Bibaswan Basu)
Is Sustainable Innovation Key to Survival During Turbulent Times? A Case study of the Cochin International Airport Limited, 3rd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2022), 1-3 Dec. 2022. (Jointly with LL Ramachandran)
Is Nomophobia an early indicator of developing Problematic Smartphone Use? Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2021 (ACIS 2021) (Jointly with Pramukh N Vasist)
Simple Solutions for Complex Problems – Developing the Right Mental Model Based on the Godly Wisdom, 2nd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021), 16-18 Dec 2021.
Globalizing the Practice of Swadharma: A Spiritual Perspective, 2nd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021), 16-18 Dec 2021.
Digital Asceticism: The power of mindfulness and emotions in regulating Nomophobia, 2nd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021), 16-18 Dec 2021. (Jointly with Pramukh N Vasist)
Antecedents of chatbot adoption in Indian retail, 3rd ICDE/ 14th ISDSI, 27-29 Dec 2020 (Jointly with Manoj Krishnan)
The Role of ICT for Sustainable Development: A Cross Country Analysis, ICIS 2019, 15-18 Dec 2019 (jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
The Role of ICT and Effects of National Culture on Economic Growth, AMCIS, Aug 15-17, 2019 (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Exploring the contextual factors of ICT for sustainable development, IMR Doctoral Colloquium 2018, IIM Bangalore. (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Assessing Green IT Readiness: Experience from an Indian ICT Organization, Proceedings of 13th AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-13), Bangalore, India, Dec. 19-21, 2015. (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Green ICT Process Management Maturity of Indian Organisations, Proceedings of 13th AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-13), Bangalore, India, Dec. 19-21, 2015. (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Ancient Rajayoga – The Science of Reviving Ethical Values, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, Chicago, May 23-24, 2014.
Piracy in the Digital Age: Is Ethical Awareness Turning into Action? 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, Chicago, May 23-24, 2014. (Jointly with Rekha)
Sustaining the Environmental Systems through Sustaining the Spirit: A Case Study on Rajayoga, Proceedings of International Conference on Research and Sustainable Business (ICRSB 14), IIT Roorkee, India, Mar. 8-9, 2014.
The Relationship Between e-government Maturity and Sustainability: The Mediating influence of Governance, IIM Bangalore, Aug. 11-13, 2014 (Jointly with Satish Krishnan)
Green IT Implementation: Intention and Actual behavior in Green IT, Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2013, No. 1, p. 12890), Jan. 2013. (Jointly with Krishnadas Nanath)
Systemic Analysis of Organizational Sustainability through Energy Conservation and Green Energy Utilization, 11th AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-11), Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad, India pp. 222-239, Dec. 21-24, 2013. (Jointly with Boby Chaitanya Villari, Piyush Kumar)
Systemic Analysis of the factors influencing Digital Media Piracy and its impact on firms in the digital age, 11th AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-11), Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad, India pp. 262-266, Dec. 21-24, 2013. (Jointly with Boby Chaitanya Villari, Piyush Kumar)
Green IT Implementation in India: A Cultural Perspective, Proceedings of 11th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Oct. 21, 2011 (Jointly with Krishnadas Nanath)
A framework for effectively managing the impact of enterprise information systems in banks, First IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium September 22-23, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology Hyderabad, 2011 (Jointly with Roy David Joshua)
Designing a Grid Computing Architecture: A case study of Green Computing, SAS Global Forum 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Apr. 4-7, 2011 (Jointly with Krishnadas Nanath)
The Role of ICT and Effects of National Culture on Economic Growth, 25th AMCIS 2019 Proceedings (National Cultures and IS) (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
India Posts Putting Its Best Leg Forward: A Case on ICT4D, CONF-IRM 2018 Proceedings. 21 (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Green IT self-efficacy: a point to ponder? In IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) (Vol. 20, p. 22) 2016, (Jointly with Parvathi Jayaprakash)
Technostress in Organizations: A Review of Literature, Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK, 2018, (Jointly with Monalisa Mahapatra)
Yoga for Managerial Effectiveness - A Review of Various Interpretations of Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam, First International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, GIT 2020.
Role of ICT in Containing Air Pollution: A Systems Thinking Approach, International Conference on Digital Economy (ICDE 2019) (Jointly with Jitesh A.)
Ethical Issues in Emerging ICTs – A Review of Literature, 7th PAN IIM WMC, 12-14 Dec 2019 (Jointly with Mukesh Narmetta)
Information Systems Flexibility for Green Technologies. In Organisational Flexibility and Competitiveness (pp. 181-195), 2014 (Jointly with Nanath, K.)
A model for Sustainability of Green IT initiatives, in proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems 2012 (ICIS 2012), (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
Role of Spirituality and Technology in Management, Sixth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS6), New Delhi, 2008.
Innovation strategy for Business Sustainability in Indian firms, in Proceedings of Global Strategies for an Emergent India, IIM Kozhikode, Dec. 2012. (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
Holistic Managerial Decision Making Based on the Ancient Wisdom, in Proceedings of ninth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-9), FLAME, Pune, Jan. 1-4, 2012.
Systems Thinking Approach for Transforming Management Education, in Proceedings of ninth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-9), FLAME, Pune, Jan. 1-4, 2012. (Jointly with Supriya KK)
A model for assessment of Green IT implementation, in proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Systems and Management (ITSM 2011), IIM Kozhikode, Dec. 17-18, 2011. (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
A Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing, in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Systems and Management (ITSM 2011), IIM Kozhikode, Dec. 17-18, 2011. (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
A taxonomy of the drivers of information system effectiveness of enterprise systems, in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Systems and Management (ITSM 2011), IIM Kozhikode, Dec. 17-18, 2011. (Jointly with Roy DJ)
Information Systems Flexibility for Green Technologies, in Proceedings of Eleventh Global Conference on Flexible Systems and Management, IIM Kozhikode. Dec. 9-12, 2011. (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
Sustainability in Green IT, In 4th SIR Conference, 04-07 September 2010, Mount Abu. (Jointly with Krishnadas N)
Excellence in Management through Spiritual Empowerment and Value Based Actions, in Proceedings of AIMS International Conference on Value-Based Management, DSVV, Haridwar, 11-13 August 2010.
On Spiritual Empowerment through Teachings of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, in Proceedings of AIMS International Conference on Value-Based Management, DSVV, Haridwar, 11-13 August 2010.
Coping up with Changes through Self Empowerment, in Proceedings of Seventh AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS7), Bangalore, December 20-23, 2009.
Understanding the Fundamental Cause of Changes - A Missing Component of Management Education, in Proceedings of Seventh AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS7), Bangalore, December 20-23, 2009.
Role of Human Values and Technology in Climate Change, in Proceedings of International Conference on Combating Challenges of Climate Change, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, 7-8 February 2009.
Changing the Perception, in Proceedings of Sixth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS6), New Delhi, December 28-31, 2008.
Role of Spirituality and Technology in Management, in Proceedings of Sixth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS6), New Delhi, December 28-31, 2008.
Holistic Transformation of Organizations, in Proceedings of Fifth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS5), Hyderabad, Dec. 27-30, 2007.
Value Based Management of Technologies, in Proceedings of Fifth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS5), Hyderabad, Dec. 27-30, 2007.
Role of Technology and Spirituality in the Management of Global Organizations, in Proceedings of Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS4), IIM Indore, December 28-31, 2006.
Analogy between Network Computing and Inner Faculties of Human Being, in Proceedings of Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS4), IIM Indore, December 28-31, 2006.
Developing Management Skills Through Spiritual Empowerment, in Proceedings of Third AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS3), IIM Ahmedabad, January 1-4, 2006 (electronic proceedings).
A Linux Based Software Router Supporting QoS, Policy Based Control and Mobility, in Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’2003), Kemer-Analya, Turkey, June 30-July 3, 2003, pp. 101-107. (Jointly with J. Maniyeri, Z. Zhang, P. Braun)
MAC Protocol Enhancements for QoS Guarantee and Fairness over the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN2002), Florida, USA, October 2002, pp. 628-633. (Jointly with Qiu Qiang, Lillykutty Jacob, B. Prabhakaran,)
MAC Protocol Enhancements and A Distributed Scheduler for QoS Guarantees over the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs, in Proc. of the 56th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2002), Vancouver, Canada , September 2002, pp. 2410-2413. (Jointly with Lillykutty Jacob, Qiu Qiang, B. Prabhakaran)
A Policy Based End-to-end QoS Management System for the IntServ/DiffServ Based Internet., Policy 2002: IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, 5-7 June 2002, Monterey, California, U.S.A, pp. 159-168. (Jointly with Ponnappan, L. Yang, P. Braun)
A Bridging method for Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Proceedings of ICACT 2002, 7-9 February 2002, Korea. (Jointly with Luying Zhou, Jit Biswas, Eng Hwa Teo)
A Forward Error Recovery Technique for MPEG-II video Transport and its Performance Over wireless IEEE802.11 LANs, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN-2000), Las Vegas, Oct. 16-18, 2000, pp. 497-502. (Jointly with B. Prabhakaran, and Qiu Qiang)
Analysis of TCP/LLC protocols based on GPRS system, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom2000), 10-14 Oct., 2000, Croatia/Italy, pp. 237-244. (Jointly with Luying Zhou, Pat S.Y. Chan)
A method to improve the robustness of MPEG video applications over wireless networks,'' Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON-2000), 5-8 September 2000, Singapore, pp. 210-214. (Jointly with Mohan Krishna Patnam)
A Forward Error Recovery Technique for MPEG-II video Transport, Proc. of the 7th ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM Multimedia-99), Florida, Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 1999. (Jointly with B. Prabhakaran, and Qiu Qiang)
A Framework and Lightweight Protocol for Wireless ATM Network Management, Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC'99), Tokyo, Japan, 14-16 Sept. 1999, pp. 199-207. (Jointly with Jairo Guttierrez)
The Implementation and performance Evaluation of a CORBA-based Handoff Control Scheme for wireless mobile ATM networks. Proc. of the second IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Mobile ATM Implementations (wmATM), 2-4 June 1999, San Francisco. (Jointly with Maitreya Ranganath, Lee Kok Seng, and Tham Chen Khong)
Impact of ATM Cell Delay on Multimedia Traffic'‘, Proc. of Applied Telecommunication Symposium (part of Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference), 11-15 April 1999, San Diego, pp. 223-228. (Jointly with Tan Hui Khim, Tham Chen Khong, Lawrence Wong, and Jit Biswas)
Measurement of Call Processing performance of an ATM Network Using Unix Workstations'', Proc. of Applied Telecommunication Symposium (part of Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference), 11-15 April 1999, San Diego, pp. 75-80. (Jointly with Jit Biswas, Tan Hui Khim, and Su Kwe Long)
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of an Open Control Architecture for Wireless ATM Networks, Proc. of the second IEEE Conference on Open Architectures and Network Programming (OPENARCH'99), 26-27 March 1999, New York, pp. 45-58. (Jointly with W. Wang, Lee Kok Seng, Bobby Jose, He Sha, R. Agrawal, and M. Ranganath)
Signalling and Mobility Management in Wireless ATM Networks, Proc. of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC'99), February 17-19, 1999, Jaipur, India. (Jointly with Rahul Agrawal, and Maitreya Ranganath)
Distributed Control of Mobile ATM Networks Using CORBA", Proc. of International Workshop on Mobile Data Access (in conjunction with the 17th Int'l Conf. on Conceptual Modelling, ER'98), 19-20 Nov. 1998, Singapore, pp. 285-295 (also published by Springer-Verlag series on LNCS 1552, Advances in Database Technologies, edited by Y. Kambayashi et al., pp. 290-300). (Jointly with M. Ranganath, R. Agrawal, and W. Wang)
Throughput Performance of Distributed Applications in Switched Networks in Presence of End-system Bottlenecks, Proc. of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks (Sicon-98), June 30-July 3, 1998, Singapore, pp. 187-204. (Jointly with Jit Biswas)
A Distributed Overload Control Algorithm for Delay Bounded Call Setup, Proc. of Applied Telecommunication Symposium (part of Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference), 5-9 April 1998, Boston, pp. 95-100.
Call Performance Studies on the ATM Forum UNI Signalling Implementations,'' Proc. of Applied Telecommunication Symposium (part of Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference), 5-9 April 1998, Boston, pp. 121-126. (Jointly with Su Kwe Long, Jit Biswas, and Tham Chen Khong)
Integrating Open Signalling and ATM Forum UNI Signalling in a Wireless ATM Network, Proc. of OPENSIG Workshop, Columbia University, October 6-7, 1997. (Jointly with Lee Kok Seng)
Optimal Scheduling for Balancing Buffer Occupancy at an ATM Access Point, Proc. of First International Conference on Information, Communications, & Signal Processing (ICICS'97), pp. 649-653, Singapore, 9-12 Sept. 1997. (Jointly with Utpal Mukherji)
A New Algorithm for Obtaining the Stationary Probability Vector for a Class of Quasi-Birth-Death Processes,'' Proc. of 1st WORLD CONGRESS ON SYSTEMS SIMULATION (WCSS'98), pp. 387-391, Singapore, 1-3 Sept. 1997. (Jointly with Chandrasekar Sankaran and Utpal Mukherji)
Singapore National High-speed ATM Network Testbed – Early Experiences, Proc. of International Conference on Communication Technologies, Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore, pp. 163-168, 14-16 Dec. 1996. (Jointly with Jit Biswas)
A PVC Management System for Singapore National High-speed ATM Testbed, Proc. of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, pp. 532-536, Singapore, 25-29 Nov 1996. (Jointly with Jit Biswas)
A Multimedia Service over ATM, with Service Management Capabilities, Proc. of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, pp. 1506-1510, Singapore, 25-29 Nov 1996. (Jointly with Jit Biswas and Chan Yew-Weng)
ATMENMS – A Service and Network Management System for Wide Area ATM Networks,'' Proc. of Seventh IFIP/IEEE international workshop on distributed systems: operations & management (DSOM'96), Italy, 28-30 Oct. 1996. (Jointly with Jit Biswas, Weiguo Wang, Adrian Yau Chin Hing, Jiann-Hung Lin, Ming-Hung Lin, Po-Ning Chen, Jiann-Liang Chen, Michael Choy)
Multimedia Over the Internet, Proc. of IEEE COMPSAC'96, Seoul, S. Korea, 21-23 Aug. 1996, p. 149.
Monitoring of ATM Applications Using APIs and CORBA,'' Proc. of OPENSIG Workshop, Columbia University, April 29-30, 1996. (Jointly with Jit Biswas)
A Modified Distributed Queueing Protocol for Dual Unidirectional Bus Networks, Proc. of IFIP TC-6 International Conference on Computer Networks, Architecture, and Applications (Networks'94), 30 Dec 1994 - 2 Jan 1995, Madras, India. (Jointly with Utpal Mukherji)
Delays in Access of a Slotted Unidirectional Bus by Two Nodes, Proc. of the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) sponsored seminar on `Teletraffic analysis methods for current and future telecom networks,' pp. 97-104, 15-19 Nov. 1993, Bangalore, India. (Jointly Utpal Mukherji)
Performance of High Speed Dual Unidirectional Bus Networks with Input/output Bidirectional Capacity Limitation, Proc. of IFIP TC-6 International Conference on Computer Networks, Architecture, and Applications (NETWORKS'92), pp. 91-111, 28-29 October 1992, Trivandrum, India. (Jointly with Anindya Datta, and Utpal Mukherji)
On Improving the Fault Detection and Reliability in FDDI Networks, Proc. of IEEE TENCON-91, Aug. 28-30, 1991, New Delhi, India. (Jointly with Anand Hardi, and A. Selvarajan)
Performance Evaluation of a CORBA Based Programmable Control Architecture for Mobile Wireless ATM Networks (Invited paper), Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT2000), Feb. 16-18, 2000, Korea. (Jointly with M. Ranganath)
Wireless ATM (Invited paper), Proc. of IBC Global Conference on IP, ATM, and MPLS, 9-10 November 1999, London.
Open Signalling Research at KRDL (Invited paper), Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Personal Wireless Multimedia Communications (WPMC'99), Sept. 21-23, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Jointly with J. Biswas, Pat Chan)
Distributed Bandwidth Management in FDDI Networks with Multiple Isochronous Services, Proc. of National Systems Conference (NSC-90), pp. 223-226, March 12-14, 1991, Aligarh, India. (Jointly with C. H. Nagesh Babu, and A. Selvarajan)
A Pilot Narrow Band ISDN for Basic-Rate Services, Proc. of National Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems (NACONECS - 89), pp. 274-276, Nov. 2-4, 1989, Roorkee, India. (Jointly with P. Yadav, R. Madhusudhan, B. Poornima, and T. Viswanathan)
Case Studies
L. L. Ramachandran, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Are Sustainable Innovations Key to Smooth Flying During Turbulence? A Case Study of the Cochin International Airport Limited, IIMK/CS/220/ITS/2023/08, March 2023
L. L. Ramachandran, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, & M.P. Sebastian, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC): Scaling Beyond Ticketing, IIMK/CS/86/ITS/2018/01, May 2018
L. L. Ramachandran, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, & M.P. Sebastian, Making IT happen @ SBI: Defining new paradigms in Banking Process through World’s Largest Core Banking Implementation, IIMK/CS/95/ITS/2018/10, May 2018
L L Ramachandran, BPCL, R Radhakrishna Pillai and M P Sebastian, IIMK, Making IT Happen @ BPCL Kochi Refinery: Defining New Paradigms of Operational Excellence through IT Transformation, OM-1-0034, Economic Times, August 2015
Ramachandran, L., Radhakrishan Pillai, R., & Sebastian, M., (2018). Indian railway catering and tourism corporation limited (IRCTC): Scaling beyond ticketing. In SAGE Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,
A. Paul & R. Pillai, On the Road to Digitization (2017): The Case of Kerala, IIMK/CS/41/ITS/2017/06
R. Agrawal, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, M. Ranganath, W. Wang, M. Krishna, "Proposal for standardisation of ATM Binding Interface for Wireless Access Point", IEEE WG P1520, P1520/TS/ATM-011,1999.
M. Ranganath, R. Agrawal, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, W. Wang, M. Krishna, "Proposal for standardisation of U-interface objects for ATM", IEEE WG P1520, P1520/TS/ATM-012, 1999.
Jit Biswas, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, R. Agrawal, W. Wang, M. Larsson, L-F. Pau, "Response to OMG Telecom Domain Task Force Request For Information "Supporting Wireless Access and Mobility in CORBA"", OMG Document: telecom/98-08-06" (
Kimmo Raatikainen (Ed.), “White Paper on Wireless Access and Mobility in CORBA," Version 2, OMG Telecom Domain Task Force Task Force, OMG Document: telecom/98-10-06 (, 98-10-06.pdf).
R. Radhakrishna Pillai, “Signalling Performance and Overload Control in ATM Networks,'' ISS Technical Report TR96-222-0, November 1996.
Jit Biswas and R. Radhakrishna Pillai, “APIs for Service Management on an ATM Testbed,'' ISS Technical Report TR95-205-0, Dec. 1995.
Jit Biswas and R. Radhakrishna Pillai, “A Model for Service Management on an ATM Testbed,'' ISS Technical Report TR95-204-0, Dec. 1995.
R. Radhakrishna Pillai and Jit Biswas, “Throughput Performance of Compute Intensive Distributed Applications in ATM LANs in Presence of Processing Bottlenecks,'' ISS Technical Report TR95-203-0, Dec. 1995.
Information Technology for Development , Journal Articles, 2022
Journal of Global Information Technology Management , Journal Articles, 2022
Information Technology and Management , Journal Articles, 2021
The Leverage Point for Sustainability Intervention: A Subtle Re-connect with the Seed of Values ?
, Conference Papers, 2024
The Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is Currently Being Re-established by the God of Gita by Re-establishing Swadharma?
, Conference Papers, 2023
Globalizing Indian Festivals - The “Raksha Bandhan” and its Spiritual Significance for Sustainability
, Conference Papers, 2023
Mapping the Trajectory of Sustainable Industry 4.0 Advancement: A Systemic Approach through Causal Loop Diagram Analysis
, Conference Papers, 2023
A Comparative Study of the Recent ESG Initiatives of Indian and Global IT Firms
, Conference Papers, 2023
Digitalization for Corporate Sustainability in Top 2 Indian banks by Market capitalization: An exploratory study
, Conference Papers, 2023
Green IT at Wipro: A Sustainable Solution? , Working Paper, 2013
Information Systems - Digital Transformation, Disruptive Digital Technologies
Social Impact of ICT - Green and Sustainable Computing, Values and Ethics in IT
Sustainable Development - Role of ICT, Systems Thinking, Spirituality
Business Analytics - Queueing Theory, Stochastic Models
Digital Transformation, ICT for Sustainable Development
The Impact of the Optical Fibre Infrastructure Being Created and Utilized in the State of Kerala (Bharat Broadband Networks Limited)
Best Research Paper Award - Second International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021)
Best Research Paper in the track 21st Century Gurukul and Asceticism: A quest for Spirituality (Co-recipient) - Second International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021)
Best Research Paper Award - 2nd Prize (2020), International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, Jan 2020
Best Research Paper Award (2019) - 12th IBA International Conference on Corporate Spiritual and Social Responsibility
Co-recipient of Wipro Earthian Award (2017, 2016, 2015, 2011)
Co-recipient of the best research paper awards - 5th PAN IIM World Management Conference (2017), COSMAR (2011), Emerald 2011 Indian LIS Research Fund Award (Highly Commended category)
AIMS Excellence Award (2008)
Excellence Award, KRDL Singapore (2001)
University Gold Medal (B Tech), Kerala Univesity (1987)