Guest Editor - Journal of Indian Business Research
Member - Center of Excellence for Social Innovation CESI
Head- Center of Excellence for Social Innovation CESI
Editorial Board Member, Human Resource Development Review
Chairperson, EPGP Interactive Learning and Kochi Campus
Chairperson, OB & HR Area
Associate Professor OB and HR Area, IIMK
Chairperson, Placements, IIMK
Assistant Professor OB and HR area, IIMK
Social Development Program Coordinator, IIMK
Member, Governing Body, Institute of Dialogue with Cultures and Religion (IDCR) Loyola College, Chennai
Chairperson, Loyola Centre for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance (July, 2011 to April, 2013)
Leadership Development Program for RPG Group
Expert Member- Working Group on Developmental Interventions by LSGIs, Kerala State Planning Board.
As an Expert Member and Convener of the drafting committee, I had the opportunity to discuss with several subject matter experts and put together recommendations on developmental interventions to be undertaken by local self-government institutions for inclusion in the state's Fourteenth Five Year Plan.
Registered in IICA Independent Directors Databank, Registration No.: IDDB-NR-202105-035653. Qualified in the proficiency assessment exam.
Honorary Advisor to the Board-SEPT (Sports and Education Promotion Trust)
Member - Board of Studies, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences
Let’s play: the use of Improv games in change management training A case study. INDUSTRY & HIGHER EDUCATION Vol 30, No 2, April 2016, pp 000-000, doi: 10.5367/ihe.2016.0299
Priya Nair Rajeev and Suresh Kalagnanam (2017) India's mandatory CSR policy: implications and implementation challenges, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (IJBGE), Vol. 12, No. 1.
Dr. Suresh Kalagnanam, Dr. Priya Nair Rajeev, Dr. Sumit Mitra. India’s Mandatory CSR: New Opportunities or Challenges for NGOs?
Priya Nair Rajeev (2012) 'Impact of forced ranking evaluation of performance on ethical choices: a study of proximal and distal mediators', International Journal of Business, Governance and Ethics, vol 7, no.1, 37-62.
Priya Nair Rajeev & T J Kamalanabhan (2011), 'Organizational correlates of peer reporting: the mediating role of Ethical Ambiguity', International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, vol: 4, No: 4, 357- 376.
Priya, N. & T. J. Kamalanabhan (2011) 'Predicting unwillingness to report ethical infractions of peers: A moderated mediation approach', Indian Management Review, vol 23, pp 81-90
Priya Nair & T J Kamalanabhan (2010) 'Performance pressure and peer reporting: a moderated mediation model' Journal of Indian Business Research, vol 2, issue: 4, pp 216-229
Impact of Life Design Counseling in Managing Mid career Dilemmas of Professionals , Working Paper, 2022
Class-divide in the evolution of career schemas and occupational mandates in the institutionalization of imported occupations: The case of Stand-up Comedy in India , Working Paper, 2022
Enhancing market access of women micro-entrepreneurs through online platforms: A study of women micro-entrepreneurs of Kudumbashree, Kerala , Working Paper, 2022
Labels and ideals: Decoding the implications of 'Impact' Investing for Indian Social Startups , Working Paper, 2022
Do Community Based Organizations (CBOs) ensure equality for women and marginalized groups or maintain status quo? The case of Jalanidhi, Kerala , Case Studies, 2022
Scaling Corporate Social Responsibility: Go broader or deeper? , Case Studies, 2022
VIDHYADHAN: Building Partnerships in Corporate Social Responsibility , Case Studies, 2022
A Recipe for Empowerment , Case Studies, 2022
‘It is only women’ to ‘it is women’:A process model for how poor women gained legitimacy as economic and social actors through a grass root social innovation , Working Paper, 2017
Readying for Change: Use of Improvisation in Change Management Training , Working Paper, 2015
Section 135 of Companies Act (2013): Implementation challenges faced by Companies and NGOs , Working Paper, 2015
Reimagining organizations
Gender and Legitimacy
Social Innovation
Social enterpreneurship
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Impact Assessment
Socially Conscious Management
Working with the World Bank and the Government of Sikkim as an Independent Verification Agency for the groundbreaking INSPIRES project. This initiative is set to catalyze Sikkim's progress and enhance the well-being of its people.
Sikkim INSPIRES (Integrated Service Provisions and Innovations for Reviving Economies) is a pioneering endeavor that adopts a holistic 'whole of Government' approach to design interventions geared towards better economic inclusion, particularly for women and youth in the non-farm sectors of the State.
Chief Minister PS Golay envisions that this project will not only transform the State's tangible economy but also uplift its intangible aspects, contributing to the economic well-being of its citizens.
This endeavor involves the collaborative efforts of nine state departments, focusing on interventions in three key result areas: Enable, Empower, and Employ. Over the 5-year project, the World Bank will invest an estimated 100 Million USD in INSPIRES.
India’s premier B-School, the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, and the country’s leading statutory body for empowering women, the National Commission for Women (NCW), have come together for a unique academic offering for women entrepreneurs. An opportunity for them to undergo professional training to launch their entrepreneurial career as well as a chance for existing women entrepreneurs to augment and scale up their businesses with professional mentoring.This collaborative online training programme to nurture and build entrepreneurial capability among women entrepreneurs will be designed and executed by the Centre of Excellence for Social Innovation (CESI) of the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode in association with NCW and
A considerable proportion of primary schools still lack basic necessities like classroom furniture, drinking water, and bathrooms, as well as more advanced resources like fans, playgrounds, musical instruments, computers, etc. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds struggle because of a lack of basic infrastructures like tables in classrooms and home. They lean on the floor to read and write. Sitting with a slumped back for long periods is harmful to a child's health as it causes undue stress to the back and eyes. The posture affects their handwriting and the ability to focus, leading to less-than-optimal academic performance. Deskit has created a school backpack with an inbuilt table, which is ergonomic, foldable, light, portable, and removable. The objective of the study is to comprehensively assess the impact of Deskit on the beneficiaries (students) and other stakeholders (teachers, parents, CSR/NGO/Government partners, etc) as well as their ecosystem (schools & homes) using a range of impact indicators (Learning, Health, Social Inclusion, etc.).
Villgro has been incubating innovation-based social enterprises in sectors, including health. As part of the incubation process, Villgro extends various types of support to start-ups. To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of this process, it may be helpful to know if and how various types of support are tied to the creation of impact. This consultancy project will assess the impact and identify the pathway to impact as relevant for multiple stakeholders connected to the startup.
Identity development and empowerment of women : an art-based exploration
Limits to Growth- A critique of the micro enterprise model
Impact of scholarship in widening participation: a multidimensional and multi-level analysis of students in higher education
Community Based Organisations (CBOs) as vehicles for eliminating income, caste and gender inequality in public service provision in India
Challenges and successes in recontextualizing WFM policies
Program Evaluation and Impact Consulting for SD Foundation
Social Impact Assessment of the Micro Enterprises Intervention of Kudumbashree
Highly Commended Award 2011 in the Emerald / EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Management and Governance category
First Rank , M.A (PM & IR) M.G University, Kerala
Second Rank & Gold Medal, B.A Economics Calicut University, Kerala
Third Rank & Gold Medal, Pre Degree Arts Calicut university, Kerala