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Marketing Management

+91-495 2809110


  • PhD (Management)
  • MBA (Marketing)
  • BE (Electrical)

Academic Positions

Professor, IIM Kozhikode, October 2013 onwards

Associate Professor, IIM Kozhikode, April 2008 - October 2013

Visiting Associate Professor, School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, January 2013- May 2013

Assistant Professor, IIM Kozhikode, April 2005-April 2008

Assistant Professor, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad, November 2001 - April 2005

Other Professional Appointments

Member, Board of Governors, IIMK LIVE Society, October 2021 Onwards

Founding Executive Director, IIMK LIVE, Business Incubator and Entreprenuership Development Center, June 2016 - June 2021

Member, Board of Governors, IIM Kozhikode Society, June 2016 - June 2018

Dean- Development, IIM Kozhikode, January 2014 - March 2016

Chairperson - Management Development Programs, IIM Kozhikode, April 2010 to January 2014

Chairperson - Placements, IIM Kozhikode September 2008 - March 2010

Chairperson - Interactive Distance Learning, IIM Kozhikode, August 2005 - March 2008

Corporate / Public Sector Leadership

Multimedia Aquarius, Mumbai, 1995-1998

Jyoti Ltd., Vadodara, 1992-1993


Integrated Marketing Communications

Marketing Management

Social Media and Consumer Driven Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Customer Relationship Management

Significant Publications

Kumar DS, Gunasekar S, Purani K, deGregorio F, Creativity – help or hindrance? The impact of product review creativity on perceived helpfulness, 2024, Computers in human Behaviour

Volume - 156

S Kumar, D., Sahadev, S., & Purani, K. (2023). Visual Aesthetic Quotient: Establishing the Effects of Computational Aesthetic Measures for Servicescape Design. Journal of Service Research

Kumar D S, Nair U K, Purani Keyoor, Servicescape Design: Balancing Physical and Psychological Safety, 2023, Marketing Intelligenece and Planning, Emerald

Purani Keyoor and Jeesha Krishnan  Webcare salience and consumer engagement: The webcare valence, conversational human voice and response time, 2023, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Marketing, Routledge

Nair U K, Kumar D S, Purani K., How well designed is your servicescape?, 2022, Marketing Intelligence and Planning

Premi P, Thomas J and Purani K, Conversational Agent Design and Consumer Decision Journey: Research Synthesis & Direction, 2022, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 49

Gunasekar S, Kumar DS, Purani K, Sudhakar S, Dixit SK, Menon D., 2021, 'Understanding service quality attributes that drive user ratings: A text mining approach'. Journal of Vacation Marketing. April 2021.

Jeesha Krishnan and Purani Keyoor; 2021, 'Webcare As A Signal: Exhaustive-Selective Webcare Strategy And Brand Evaluation', European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 55 No. 7, 2021

Purani Keyoor and Jeesha Krishan, 2021, 'Community Based Brand Equity as Brand Culture: Advancing Brand Equity Conceptualization for a Connected World', Academy of Marketing Science Review,

Vinitha V U, Kumar Deepak S and Purani, Keyoor, 2020, 'Biomorphic Visual Identity af a Brand and Its Effects: A Holistic Perspective', Journal of Brand Management, Forthcoming

Kumar, Deepak S; Purani, Keyoor; Shyam AV; 2020, 'The indirect experience of nature: Biomorphic design forms in servicescapes', Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 6, pp. 847-867 (Emerald)

Malhotra Neeru, Sahadev Sunil, Leaflang Peter and Purani Keyoor, 2020, 'New insights into e-loyalty of internet banking users in an emerging market context: A multilevel analysis', Information Systems Frontiers (Springer)

Chawla, Vaibhav; Lyngdoh, Teidorlang; Guda, Sridhar; Purani, Keyoor, 2020, 'Systematic review of determinants of sales performance: Verbeke et al.’s (2011) classification extended', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (Emerald)

Purani Keyoor and Jeesha Krishna, 2020, 'Capital Budgeting: Maledia Broadcasting Ltd', Asian Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (Sage) [Teaching Note available from the authors on request]

Purani, Keyoor; Kumar, Deepak S., Sahadev, Sunil, 2019, 'e-Loyalty among millennials: Personal characteristics and social influences',Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 48, May 2019, Pages 215-223

Nair, U. K., & Purani, K., 2018, KHL: Consulting for Managing Sales Force Attrition (B). Asian Journal of Management Cases. ( (Sage)Teaching Note available from the authors on request]

Nair, U. K., & Purani, K., 2018, KHL: Consulting for Managing Sales Force Attrition (A). Asian Journal of Management Cases. ( (Sage) [Teaching Note available from the authors on request]. .

Kumar Deepak S., Purani Keyoor, Shyam AV, 2018, 'Influences of ‘appscape’ on mobile app adoption and m-loyalty', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 45, Issue Nov. (Elsevier)

Kumar Deepak S and Purani Keyoor, 2018, 'Model Specifications Issues in PLS-SEM: Illustrating Linear and Non-linear Models in Hospitality Services Context', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 338-353 (Emerald)

Purani Keyoor and Kumar Deepak S, 2018, 'Exploring restorative potential of biophilic servicescapes', Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 32 No. 4 (Emerald)

Kumar, Deepak S; Purani, Keyoor; Sahdev, Sunil, 2017, 'Visual Servicescape Aesthetics and Consumer Response: A Holistic Model', Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 31, Issue 5 (Emerald)

Malhotra Neeru, Sahadev sunil, Purani Keyoor, 2017, 'Psychological contract violation and customer intentions to reuse online retailers: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms', Journal of Business Research (Elsevier)

Sahadev, Sunil, Purani, Keyoor, Kumar Panda, Tapan, 2017, 'Service employee adaptiveness : Exploring the impact of role-stress and managerial control approaches', Employee Relations 2017 39:1 , 54-78 (Emerald)

Purani Keyoor, Gopinath Saji, Sensarma Rudra, 2015, 'Editorial,Special Issue: Indian Management and The Global Business', Journal of Indian Business Research, 7(2) (Emerald)

Sahadev Sunil, Purani Keyoor and Malhotra Neeru (Eds.), 2015, 'Boundary Spanning Elements and the Marketing Function in Organizations: Concepts and Empirical Studies', Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG

Sahadev Sunil, Purani Keyoor and Nair SK, 2015, 'The Mediating Role of Role Stress in the Relationship between Goal Orientation and Job Satisfaction among Sales Persons: An Empirical Study', In Sahadev Sunil, Purani Keyoor and Malhotra Neeru (Eds.), Boundary Spanning Elements and the Marketing Function in Organizations: Concepts and Empirical Studies, Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG

Ramanathan Jayasankar, Purani Keyoor, 2015, 'Brand Extension Evaluation: Real world and Virtual World', Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23(7) (Emerald)

Zhongqi Jin, Richard Lynch, Samaa Attia, Bal Chansarkar, Tanses Gülsoy, Paul Lapoule, Xueyuan Liu, William Newburry, Mohamad Sheriff Nooraini, Ronaldo Parente, Keyoor Purani, Marius Ungerer, 2015, 'The relationship between Consumer Ethnocentrism, Cosmopolitanism and Product Country Image amongst younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status', International Business Review, Vol. 24, Issue 3 (Elsevier)

Purani Keyoor, Sahadev Sunil and Kumar Deepak, 2014, 'Globalization and Academic Research: The Case of Sustainability Marketing', Society and Management Review, 3(1), pp.1-7 (Sage)

Sahadev Sunil, S Sudershan, Purani Keyoor, 2014, 'Effects of Competitive Psychological Climate, Work-Family Conflict, Role Conflict On Customer Orientation: The Case of Call Center Employees in India', Journal of Indian Business Research, 6(1), pp. (Emerald)

Belch George, Belch Michael and Purani Keyoor, 2013, 'Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective', McGraw Hil Education, 1016p., ISBN: 978-1-25-902685-0

Kumar Deepak, Purani Keyoor and Sahadev Sunil, 2013, 'Conceptualizing Visual Servicescape Aesthetics: An Application of Environmental Psychology ', The Marketing Review, 13(10), (Westburn)

Shukla Paurav and Purani, Keyoor; 2012, 'Comparing luxury value perceptions in cross-national context', Journal of Business Research, 65 (10 ), pp.1417-1424 (Elsevier)

Belch George, Belch Michael and Purani Keyoor, 2009, 'Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective', Tata McGraw Hill, 1075p.

Sahadev Sunil, and Purani Keyoor; 2008, 'Modelling the Consequences of ESQUAL: An Empirical Study', Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 26 (6), pp. 605-620 (Emerald)

Purani Keyoor; and Sahadev Sunil, 2008, 'The Moderating Role of Industrial Experience in the Job Satisfaction, Intention to Leave Relationship: An Empirical study among Salesmen in India', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 23(7), pp. 475-485 (Emerald)

Pre-Testing Servicescape Designs for Marketing Advantage , Working Paper, 2022

Equity brand: evolution of a brand from stock market , Working Paper, 2006

The moderating role of industrial experience in the job satisfaction, intention to leave relationship: an empirical study among salesmen in india , Working Paper, 2006

Brand-Consumer Conversations: Mobile Internet Messaging and Paid Chat as MarCom tool , Working Paper, 2020

Digital Business Ecosystems & Marketing , Working Paper, 2020

Conferences, Seminars & Talks

Deepak S Kumar, Purani Keyoor, Exploring the Influence of Bio-sonic Retail Environments, AMA Winter, Phoenix, February 2025

Kamal Gupta Roy, Purani Keyoor, Effects of Presentation and Organization of Online Reviews on Shopper Decisions and Attitude Towards Online Platform, AMA Winter, Phoenix, February 2025

Rishabha Nayyar and Keyoor Purnai, 'A Framework Of Dilemmas Of Creative Professionals, Their Resolution And Advertising Outcomes', AMA Winter, Florida,February 2024

Kamal Gupta Roy and Keyoor Purani, Hell or High Water: Effects of Pandemic and Weather Extremes on Online-Offline Restaurant Sales, AMA Winter, Nashville, USA, February  2023,

Premi Priya and Purani Keyoor, Impression for Expression: Artificially Intelligent Voice Agent, Consumer Self Disclosure and Consumer Brand Intimacy,   AMA Summer, Chicago, August 2022

R Anindita, Jeesha Krishnan, Purani Keyoor, Digital Influence: A comprehensive model of influencer attributes and their effects on Brands, AMA Summer, Chicago, August 2022

Jeesha, Krishnan, Purani, Keyoor, 'Webcare and Brand Evaluations: Optimizing Webcare Strategies for Service Brands', AMA Summer, 2018, Boston, USA

Jeesha K., Purani K., 'Conceptualising and Measuring Community Based Brand Equity', Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, 2017, Christchurch

Kumar D., Nair U., Purani K., 'Consumer Pre-testing of Servicescape Designs: A Toolkit',2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference, Orlando

Shukla, P., Purani, K., Singh, J., 'Influence of Consumer Vanity on Employment of Impression Management Tactics and Their Consequences on Conspicuous Consumption Orientation', 2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference, Orlando

Sahadev, S., Sudershan, S., Purani, K., & Bradley B., 'The Impact of Personality Traits on Customer Orientation among Call Center Workers: The Moderating Effect of Work-Family Conflict and Role Conflict', 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educator

Sahadev Sunil and Purani Keyoor, 'Internet Banking Adoption in Developing Countries: A Meta-Analysis of the findings so far' Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK, July 2013

Purani, Keyoor et. al 'Antecedents of Home and Foreign Product Country Images in Developed and Developing Countries: A Comparative Study' Academy of International business Annual Meet in Washington DC, USA, Jun- Jul, 2012

Purani, K., Sahadev, S. & Sudershan, S. 'Competitive Psychological Climate, Work-Life Conflict, Role Conflict And Their Impact on Customer Orientation among Call C enter Employees', 39th EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference), Copenhagen, June 2010

Purani Keyoor, Unnikrishnan K Nair, 'Managing Salesforce Attrition at Karnavati Healthcare Ltd.', NACRA (North American Case Research Association) Annual Meeting, Santa Cruz, California, USA, October 2009

Purani Keyoor; and Sahadev Sunil, 'Generating trust in e-services through service quality: The Moderating Role of Technology Readiness', World Marketing Congress (Academy of Marketing Science conference), Oslo, Norway, Jul 2009

Recent Consulting / Other Assignments

Launch of new, pre-engineered steel buildings business initiative at ULCCS, 2024

Go To Market Strategy and Launch Plan for Tafu Goldstar, 2023

JK Organisation, Structured Interventions for Break Through Innovations, 2022

IQRRA International Hospital & Research Centre, Financial Performance Analysis and Interventions towards Financial Sustainability and Growth 2023

Marketing & Growth Advisory Services, Impex Appliances (Ongoing)

Marketing & Growth Advisory Services, Lamit Group, 2021-2022

GIZ International, “Design of Integrated Platform for Women Entrepreneurs for Kochi Smart City”, 2021 

Kerala Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (KIED) 'Detailed Project Report for developing KIED as Centre of Excellence (CoE)', 2021

MyG Digital Hub - Retail (2020-2021 Consulting on Retainership)

Oushadhi Pharmaceuticals Corporation Kerala Ltd. 'Marketing and organization development road map towards vision 2020', 2016

Kerala State Electricity Board 'Enhancing Service Quality and Organizational Effectiveness', 2016

KCM Appliances - Impex Brand (2014-2016 Consulting on Retainership)

Department of Post, 'Market Estimation and Logistics Network Design for Logistics Post in Kerala', 2016

Madhyamam Broadcasting Ltd., Kozhikode, "Industry Analysis and Business Strategies for Regional Current Affairs Centered Satellite TV Channel", 2011

Synovate India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, "Conjoint study to understand new design features and price for new device for diabetes care for Medtronic, USA", 2011


IIM Kozhikode Teaching Excellence Award, 2024

Highly Commended Paper Award - Journal of Services Marketing Annual Best Paper Awards 2021 (for the paper "The Indirect Experience of Nature: Biomorphic Design forms in Servicescapes, Journal of Services Marketing with Deepak S Kumar)

Sethuraman NASMEI Research Grant Award, INR 75,000, Research Grant Proposal Competition (with PhD student Priya Premi) at 15th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing conference, 2021

Outstanding Paper of 2014 in JIBR, Emerald Awards for Excellence, 2014 (With sunil sahadev and S Sheshenna)

Research Grant GBP 7000, British Council Knowledge Economy Partnerships Awards 2012, with University of Sheffield

Research Grant GBP 9357, British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Scheme Awards 2013, with Glasgow Caledonian University

In News

Joy of unboxing: Packaging's powerful pull for branding, bonding and beyond, Forbes India, Jan 9, 2025 (with Ameya Agrawal)

When the Divine Meets Dollars: Decoding the Economics of Faith, Forbes India, February 29, 2024 (with Ameya Agrawal)

Why IIMs don-t need foreign accreditations, Financial Express, 15-01-2018 (with Rudra Sensarma)

Online retailers beware! For consumers there is great disappointment on this particular parameter, Financial Express, 04-09-2017

Winds of Change at IIMs: Developing Executives to Developing Entreprenuers, The Week, 22-10-2016

Winds of Change at IIMs: Developing Executives to Developing Entreprenuers, The Week, 22-10-2016

Communication-the Name of the Game, Business Line, 15-08-2015 (with Rudra Sensarma)

Strengthening Brand IIM, Financial Express, 17-08-2015

Do Indian B-Schools make their students sustainability sensitive?, IIMK Research Blogpost, October 08, 2013

What Drives Collective Decision Making: Spirit or Minutes? , IIMK Research Blogpost, December 18, 2014

Able enough for sustainability?, The Economic Times, February 17, 2015; Reprint The Times of India, March 18, 2015

Leapfrogging Literacy, IIMK Research Blogpost, July 19, 2016

Listen to the Missed calls:Improve returns on Missed Call Marketing, IIMK Research Blogpost, August 03, 2016, Quoted in K@Wharton (

Is 34-28-38 a good figure?: Insights into faculty profile at IIMs, IIMK Research Blogpost, August 09, 2018

Developing Entrepreneurship Ecosystems By Design: Can Academic Institutions Play A Central Role?, Entrepreneur, May 16, 2019

Can Corporate Engagement with Startups be Not-for-profit?, Entrepreneur, July 2, 2019

Entrepreneur, August 8, 2019

'Counterstrike' road safety challenge with gamification', IIMK Research blogpost, October 03, 2019

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

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PIN - 673 570


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