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Associate Professor
Marketing Management

+91-495 2809455


  • FPM (Ph.D), Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
  • MBA, University of Calicut
  • B-Tech , National Institute of Technology Calicut
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Akron, US
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Salford, UK

Academic Positions

MDP Chairperson (April, 2024 onwards)

Area Chair - Marketing (April, 2023 - March, 2024)

Assistant Professor, IIM Kozhikode (May, 2019 - May, 2022)

Associate Professor, Amrita School of Business (Jan, 2018 - April, 2019)

Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Business (Dec, 2014 - Dec, 2017)


Creativity & Innovation 

Marketing of Services

Innovation & Design Thinking

Experiential & Luxury Marketing

Marketing Management

Significant Publications

Vinitha V U, Deepak S Kumar & Hemamala Krishnan (2025) 'Biophilia in servicescapes – review, reconciliation and reflections', Journal of Services Marketing (ABDC-A),, Emerald Publications

Deepak S Kumar, Sangeetha G, Keyoor Purani & Federico de Gregorio (2024) 'Creativity – help or hindrance? The impact of product review creativity on perceived helpfulness', Computers in Human Behavior (ABDC-A), DOI:, Elsevier Publications.

Deepak S Kumar, Sunil Sahadev & Keyoor Purani (2024) "Visual Aesthetic Quotient: Establishing the Effects of Computational Aesthetic Measures for Servicescape Design", Journal of Service Research (ABDC-A*), 27(2), 250-267. DOI Sage Publications

Deepak S Kumar, K. Unnikrishnan Nair, K.U. & Keyoor Purani (2023), "Servicescape design: balancing physical and psychological safety", Marketing Intelligence & Planning (ABDC-A) Vol. 41(4), pp. 473-488. Emerald Publications

K. Unnikrishnan Nair, Deepak S Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2022) "How well designed is your servicescape?", Marketing Intelligence & Planning (ABDC-A), 40(3), pp. 388-407., Emerald Publications

Viswanathan Venkateswaran, Deepak S Kumar & Deepak Gupta (2021)''To Trust or Not': Impact of Camouflage Strategies on Trust in the Sharing Economy', Journal of Business Research (ABDC-A), DOI: Elsevier Publications

Sangeetha G, Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & others (2021) 'Understanding Service Quality Attributes that Drive User Ratings: A Text Mining Approach', Journal of Vacation Marketing (ABDC-A), DOI: 10.1177/13567667211003246, Sage Publications

Vinitha V U, Deepak S Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2021) 'Biomorphic Visual Identity of a Brand and its Effects: A Holistic Perspective', Journal of Brand Management (ABDC-A), DOI:,Palgrave Macmillan

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Shyam A. V (2020) 'The indirect experience of nature: Biomorphic design forms in servicescapes', Journal of Services Marketing (ABDC-A), DOI 10.1108/JSM-10-2019-0418, Emerald Publications

Deepak S Kumar, Vinitha V U (2020) Servicescapes and E-Servicescapes Design Issues in Emerging Markets: Imperatives, Challenges and Agenda Setting. In: Adhikari A. (eds) Services Marketing Issues in Emerging Economies. Springer, Singapore.

Keyoor Purani, Deepak S Kumar & Sunil Sahadev (2019) 'e-Loyalty Among Millennials: Personal Characteristics and Social Influences', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (ABDC-A), DOI Elsevier Publications

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Shyam A. V (2018) 'Influences of ‘Appscape’ on Mobile App Adoption and M-Loyalty ', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (ABDC-A), 45, pp. 132 - 141. DOI, Elsevier Publications

Deepak S Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2018) 'Model Specification Issues in PLS-SEM: Illustrating Linear and Non-Linear Models in Hospitality Services Context', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (ABDC-B), DOI 10.1108/JHTT-09-2017-0105, Emerald Publications

Keyoor Purani & Deepak S Kumar (2018) 'Exploring Restorative Potential of Biophilic Servicescapes', Journal of Services Marketing (ABDC-A), 32(4), pp. 414-429. DOI 10.1108/JSM-03-2017-0101, Emerald Publications

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Sunil Sahadev (2017) 'Visual Servicescape Aesthetics and Consumer Response: A Holistic Model', Journal of Services Marketing (ABDC-A), 31(6), pp. 556 - 573. DOI:, Emerald Publications

Deepak S Kumar, Lakshmi Manohar & Priyanka Singh (2017) 'Marketing and Branding of Calicut as a Smart City Destination' In T.M. Vinod Kumar (Ed). Smart Economy in Smart Cities- International Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St.Louis, Stuttgart, Bologna, Cape Town, Nairobi, Dakar, Lagos, New Delhi, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Kozhikode, Hong Kong - p: 359-389; Series: Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements; Springer Science+Business Media Singapore; ISBN: 978-981-10-1608-0.

Sunil Sahadev, Keyoor Purani & Deepak S Kumar (2014) 'Globalisation and Academic Research: The case of Sustainability Marketing.', IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 3(1): 93-99.

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Sunil Sahadev (2013) 'Conceptualizing Visual Servicescape Aesthetics: An Application of Environmental Psychology', The Marketing Review, 13(4):347-76.

Pre-Testing Servicescape Designs for Marketing Advantage , Working Paper, 2022

Well-Mark Electricals Trading L.L.C. – Which road (to be taken)? , Case Studies, 2022

"Dig your 'sales' in": An Entrepreneur's Dilemma , Case Studies, 2022

Research Areas

Servicescape Aesthetics

Image Analytics

Neuro-marketing studies (Eye tracking, GSR, Facial recognition)


Biomorphism and Anthropomorphism

Conferences, Seminars & Talks

Abhishek Ohja & Deepak S. Kumar (2025) "Balancing Gig Economy: Using Heider's Balance Theory" in 22nd AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Kozhikode, India.

Deepak S. Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2025) “Exploring the Influence of Bio-sonic Retail Environments" in AMA Winter Academic Conference, Phoenix, US.

Sydney Chinchanachokchai, Deepak S. Kumar & Vinitha V.U. (2024) "The Subtle Influence of Nature: Exploring the Effects of Biophilia on Advertising Effectiveness” 22nd International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2024 - June 27th – 29th, Thessaloniki (Greece).

Abhishek Ohja & Deepak S. Kumar (2024) "Platform Cooperatives: An Outcome of Business Model Innovation Using the Nice Framework" in 2nd International Conference On Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Equity, & Digital Strategies Seeds 2024, Middlesex University, Dubai.

Abhishek Ohja & Deepak S. Kumar (2024) "Managing Brand Alignment: Mitigating Free Riding and Negative Spillover Effects in P2P Platform-Provider Relationship" in 18th The Great Lakes-NASMEI Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India.

Deepak S. Kumar (2023) "“Biophilic Seasoning” : Can biophilic servicescape influence taste perceptions of consumers?'" in 17th The Great Lakes-NASMEI Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India

Abhishek Ohja & Deepak S. Kumar (2023) "Trust Building in Peer-to-Peer exchange: Role of Satisfaction'" in 17th The Great Lakes-NASMEI Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India

Vinitha V.U. & Deepak S. Kumar (2022) "Energising Brands: Influence of dynamism and product types on anthropomorphised logos evaluations'" in 16th The Great Lakes-NASMEI Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India

Deepak S. Kumar, Sangeetha Gunasekar & Keyoor Purani (2022) "Influence of Creative Reviews on Perceived Helpfulness" in 16th The Great Lakes-NASMEI Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India 

Vinitha V U, Deepak S. Kumar & Shyam A. V. (2020) ' When logos seem human: Moderating role of dynamic imagery and product types on evaluations of anthropomorphized logos', in 4th International Conference on Marketing, Society and Technology, IIM Kozhikode. December 7-9, 2020.

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Shyam AV (2020). ' Understanding the Influence of Biomorphic Design Forms in Servicescapes ' -In American Marketing Association (AMA) 2020 WinterConference, San Diego, California, US. Feb 14-16, 2020.

Abirami A., Deepak S Kumar & Shyam A V (2019). 'is unisex really unisex? - a study on the influence of CVPA and fashion involvement on purchase intentions of unisex products-In 2019 IIM Indore NASMEI Summer Marketing- IS Conference, IIM Indore. June 26-28, 2019.

Deepak S Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2017). ' Analysing Restorative Potential of Green Servicescapes ' -In American Marketing Association (AMA) 2017 Summer Conference, San Francisco, California, US. August 4-6, 2017.

Deepak S Kumar, Navami R, Shyam AV & Gopakumar V (2017). ' Modelling Visual Aesthetics of m-atmospherics: An Environmental Psychology Perspective ' -In American Marketing Association (AMA) 2017 Summer Conference, San Francisco, California, US. August 4-6, 2017.

Deepak S Kumar, Unnikrishnan Nair & Keyoor Purani (2017). 'Consumer Pretesting of Servicescape Designs: A Toolkit' - Poster Presentation In American Marketing Association (AMA) 2017 Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida, US. Feb 17th-19th, 2017.

Deepak S Kumar & Keyoor Purani (2011) Servicescape Aesthetics and Consumer Responses' In 10th International Marketing Trends Conference, January 20-22, Paris, France.

Deepak S Kumar, Keyoor Purani & Sunil Sahadev (2012). 'Appraising Visual Servicescape Aesthetics: An Environmental Psychology Approach' In Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Southampton, UK, 3-6 July 2012. ISBN: 9780854329472

Current Projects

There are no available research projects for summer/winter interns.

Recent Consulting / Other Assignments

Integrated Platform for Women Entrepreneurship : Kochi (SUD-SC Project) - Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs jointly implemented by GIZ, Germany.

IQRRA International Hospital & Research Centre, Financial Performance Analysis and Interventions towards Financial Sustainability and Growth


Sethuraman NASMEI Research Grant Award, INR 100,000 Research Grant Proposal Competition (with PhD student Abhishek Ojha) at 18th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference, 2024.

Highly Commended Paper Award - Journal of Services Marketing Annual Best Paper Awards 2021 (for the paper "The Indirect Experience of Nature: Biomorphic Design forms in Servicescapes, Journal of Services Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/JSM-10-2019-0418).

Best paper Award in 4th International Conference on Marketing, Society and Technology at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2020.

Amrita University: Excellence in Research Award, 2018.

Junior Research Fellow - University Grants Commission, 2006

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

IIMK Campus P. O, Kozhikode, Kerala, India,
PIN - 673 570


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