Return and Volatility Spillovers: An Evaluation of India
What drives the off-shore futures market? Evidence from India and China', 3rd ICFMCF 2018 at IIT Kanpur. (with SSS Kumar)
Dynamic linkages between gold and equity prices: Evidence from Indian financial services and information technology companies', 30th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, December 2017, (with Shubhasis Dey).
The Relationship between Half-hourly Returns and Trading Volumes - Evidence from Nifty Futures', 24th Annual Global Finance Conference, New York, May 2017.
An Exploratory Analysis of Transactions Data in the Indian Market', India Finance Conference, Ahmedabad, December 2013 (with Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy).
Some Evidence on Intraday Volatility Patterns of Indian Market', 4th World Finance Conference, Cyprus, July 2013, (with Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy).
Do Intraday volatility pattern follow a U curve', 11th UTI Capital Market Conference, Mumbai, December 2012 (with Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy).
Is Over Regulation Good? A case of SEBI and Mutual Fund Regulation in India , Case Studies, 2022
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Doctoral Student (2014-15)
Market Microstructure
Financial Markets
Financial Economics
Asset Pricing